The first steps of Sweden in the space field occured in the early 60's. At that time, several rocket launch campaigns were conducted to study the so-called "noctilucents clouds" from Kronogard located in the north part of the country.

Alongside these pionnering efforts and consistent with the initial experience of other European countries, in 1962 was created the European Space Research Organization (ESRO) forerunner of the current European Space Agency (ESA). The first initiative undertaken was the establishment of a sounding rocket research programme, which needed a permanent facility to perform the launches.

After excluding other locations such as Salto di Quirra (Sardinia), Narssarssuaq (Greenland) and Andoya (Norway), the final choice was for a desolate landscape in the Swedish Laponian area close to the Arctic Circle and a few kilometres west from the small town of Kiruna. The site was baptized ESRANGE (acronym for European Space Range).

Launch from Esrange

The construction work started in 1962, and was not finished until 1966, the year of its formal inauguration. The first rocket was launched from there a year later, starting the regular activity involving scientists from several countries.

In early seventies ESRO was engaged in the construction of a space centre in Kourou, French Guiana casting a shadow of doubt about ESRANGE's future. In a risky and bold move, between 1971 and 1972, after assuming that was not profitable to "reconvert" the center for other purposes (its transformation into a tourist destination, or to use it as a clinic for the treatment of alcoholics, among other possibilities), the Swedish government take over the operation of the facility, creating for this purpose the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC).

During the early years in Swedish hands, was clear that would be difficult the maintainance and updating of the base, so in 1973 was decided to diversify their activities first trying to establish a satellite tracking station and second offering the facilities to the international scientific community to launch stratospheric balloons. Its privileged position is ideal to carry out circumpolar balloon flights to send complex scientific experiments to study the different atmospheric variables of the Arctic.

Despite that previously had been made some isolated balloon flights, between January and March 1974, took place the first organized balloon launch campaign. It was called SAMBO 1 and involved the coordinated participation of the French space agency CNES and his Russian counterpart of IZMIRAN. The aim of the initiative was to make stratospheric measurements of the spectrum of auroral X-ray emission at high latitudes.

To this succesfull campaign followed in subsequent years several more in collaboration with Universities and Scientific Centres of various countries. At the same time to allow a greater flight duration, agreements have been signed to allow the overflight, landing and recovery of gondolas in neighbouring countries such as Finland, Norway and Russia. Recently was added too the choice to perform transatlantic flights to Canada as well.

So, after more than 30 years of activity in the scientific ballooning field, and with 550 launches in their record, ESRANGE had become the most important stratospheric balloon launch base of Europe. Several campaigns performed there in the past had a duration of several months and involved up to 40 launches each.

Main features of the site

The geographic location of Esrange, at 67 deg 56 min N and 21 deg 4 min E, offers several unique advantages for launching of stratospheric balloons:

  • the location is excellent from a scientific point of view, for experiments related to auroral research, astrophysics and other high latitude phenomena as the ozone depletion in the atmosphere, validation of polar orbiting satellite experiment
  • testing of space systems including drop tests of free falling objects can be performed in the Esrange impact area for sounding rockets,
  • a vast area covering the northern parts of Finland, Norway, Russia, Canada, Alaska and Sweden is available for land recovery of experiments,

On regards the winds regime balloons launched during the winter period can be easily injected into the polar vortex. The predominating stratospheric winds are rather strong from W to NW which gives 2-5 hours of ceiling time and with recovery of the payloads either in Finland or Russia.

During the summer period from mid May to mid July the strtospheric winds are very stable from the east, which makes that period very suitable for medium to Long Duration Balloon (LDB) flights including Transatlantic flights. During this period the latitude excursions are not expected to exceed +/-3°.

Finally during the turn-around periods in late April and early May and second half of August the stratospheric winds are very low and irregular which means that the payloads can be within the range of the base up to 3 days.


Note: in this section we will be refering only to the specific infrastructure to launch balloons.

Initially the base had an asphalt launch area pear shaped about 400 meters long and 250 meters wide, situated about 150 m south of the base's Main Building.

In Summer, 2004 a major extension of the entire launch field was done so today the total launch pad area is 250.000 square meters as can be seen in the image at left (click to enlarge). It was modified to allow launching balloons in different directions, divided into six runways acting as corridors near 200 meters in length, aligned with the common direction of the prevailing winds in differents seasons of the year. The entire launch field is covered with fine gravel and at its center lies a cavity containing electrical power, ground cables, public address loudspeakers, and a telephone line.

This expansion is directly related to an agreement signed with NASA, by which in 2005 the American agency began to use the site in summer to launch stratospheric balloons in transatlantic flight. The balloons after release, reach float altitude and are caught in the westward streams flying over Sweden, Norway and then crossing the North Atlantic Ocean. When the balloon reach the northamerican continent the flights are terminated in northwestern Canada.

The increasing of the launch capabilities lead to the acquisition in 2004 of a new launch vehicle which was built by a local company in Kiruna. The 40 Tons. Volvo truck was nicknamed "Hercules" and replaced the old crane formely used to hold the bigger payloads. With a highly manouvering arm the truck allow to manage in a much more efficient way larger payloads (up to 6000 lbs) so along with the enlarged launch pad the facility can launch balloons up to 1.000.000 cubic meters of volume, the bigger standard balloon in use today. At right we can see the new vehicle in action while holding the BLAST telescope during a rehearsal of the first transatlantic launch in 2005 (click to enlarge).

Located on the north side of the balloon pad, there are three large buildings for balloon and payload preparations.

The first building known as "Cathedral" have a payload preparation area of 300 square meters with a ceiling of 7 meters and an overhead traveling crane, with a lifting capability of 3.2 Tons. The area floor is heated and vented to allow a confortable temperature and prevent dust accumulation. The back of the building is a two floor office area to be used by scientific teams during campaigns.

The second building nicknamed "Chapel" have a balloon payload assembly hall near 100 square meters with additional storage and two offices. It is equipped with an overhead crane of 1 Ton. which can be extended 2 m outside the entrance door. A 30 square meters area is used as storage for launch support equipment. One room in the Chapel is used as a preparation room for EBASS, the SSC telemetry and telecommand system for support of balloon flights.

The third building is known the "Basilica" and is designed for preparation of the flight train. The main assembly hall is 308 square meters equipped with a crane with a 1 Ton. lifting capability. The front part of the building is a two floor area with an office and an Operation Balloon Center on the second floor, used only during count down and the launch phase.

A fourth large building is located near the "Basilica" and is used for storage during balloon campaigns and also houses the launch vehicle "Hercules".

Due to increased demand for launch services in last years, SSC decided in 2010, to start the construction of another building for integration of rocket and balloon payloads. This new building was built close to the existing facilities in the balloon launch pad area and counts with an area of 795 square meters. It was inaugurated in May 2011.

The base also counts with mechanical and carpentry workshops, and several laboratories including chemical, biological, electronic and a clean room area.

On regard communications and telemetry systems, today, ESRANGE have two choices: EBASS and E-Link. In 1998 SSC and DLR decided to develope a Telemetry/Telecommand (TM/TC) service system for stratospheric balloons. To reduce developing costs the new design was based on DLR's MFB (Multi Function Board) which is in use on Maser sounding rockets and on the Express satellite. The system was named EBASS (Esrange Balloon Service System) and includes all necessary functions to perform GPS position determination, cut-down on command and cut-down by timers, top valve and ballast machine operations for balloon piloting. It counts with a transmiter/receiver system based on FM with a nominal data bandwidth of 38.4 kbps and a serial interface. With an output power of 2.5 W it was developed in two versions: a light one weighting 17 kg and the heavy one nearing 30 kg. Total operation time is near 60 hours and until today it was worked flawlessly in more than 45 missions.

On the other hand E-Link (Esrange Airborne Data Link) is a telemetry system that offers a simplified interface based on standard Ethernet architecture. It can handle TCP/IP and UDP/IP communication with high bandwidth across long distances. The system handles also other types of synchronous and asynchronous user interfaces. E-Link was qualified recently and works on S-Band with a maximum output power of 10w and a duplex data bandwith of up to 2Mbps. It weights 11 kg (including batteries) and have a nominal operation time of near 12 hours.

In the case that the balloon mission involves the drop of test vehicles and probes, the base counts with a a vast restricted impact area on land (5200 square kilometers) originally created for sounding rockets, but also available in such cases. Also a second launch area -under ESRANGE's control too- is located at the airport in the nearby town of Kiruna. It consists of a giant hangar used to house scientific planes which are involved in Arctic research at ESRANGE. The site called "Arena Arctica", has sometimes been used for inflation and subsequent launching of small superpressure stratospheric balloons as we see in the picture at right.

Table of balloons launched from Arena Arctica

DateHourFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
1/21/199915:44---LABS (Laser Backscatter Sonde)--- No Data ---
2/8/199912.25---LABS (Laser Backscatter Sonde)--- No Data ---
2/8/199914.16---LABS (Laser Backscatter Sonde)--- No Data ---

Table of balloons launched from ESRANGE

DateHourFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
11/10/197614:28 utc16 hSAMBO 76--- No Data ---
11/11/197619:21 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
11/11/197618:11 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
11/11/197616:49 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
11/12/197615:21 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
11/12/197617:00 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
12/4/197616:47 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
12/4/197618:33 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
12/7/197615:21 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
12/8/197616:05 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
12/8/197617:09 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
12/9/197617:19 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
12/13/197615:34 utc---SAMBO 76--- No Data ---
1/30/1979 ---ELECTRIC FIELD MEASUREMENTS--- No Data ---
3/4/1979 ---ELECTRIC FIELD MEASUREMENTS--- No Data ---
9/10/198017:44 localF 1 h 38 mX-RAY, OZONE AND VLF WAVES STUDIES--- No Data ---
9/11/198019:18 localF 1 h 24 mX-RAY, OZONE AND VLF WAVES STUDIES--- No Data ---
11/23/198220:59 utc6 hX-RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
12/9/198217:15 utc4 h 30 mX-RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
12/10/198216:34:21?SU BAL--- No Data ---
12/12/198217:23:40?SU BAL--- No Data ---
12/16/198218:02:19?A BAL--- No Data ---
12/18/198216:24:30---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
9/18/198507:46:22---PIROG 1A (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)--- No Data ---
5/14/198619:04 utc---MIKROBA 1 (MIKRO-g with Ballon drop capsule)--- No Data ---
7/26/198619:41:38---MAED (Middle Atmospheric Electrodynamic Campaign)--- No Data ---
7/26/198620:50:06---MAED (Middle Atmospheric Electrodynamic Campaign)--- No Data ---
8/??/1986 ---PIROG 1B (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)--- No Data ---
2/5/19877:37 utc---ACIMS (Active Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer) + CRYOGENIC SAMPLER--- No Data ---
2/11/19877:45 utc---CHEOPS--- No Data ---
8/??/1987 ---PIROG 2 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)--- No Data ---
1/25/19887:32 UTC30 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
1/26/19887:09 UTC3 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
1/28/19888:28 UTC4 h 23 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)In Finland
1/29/19888:36 UTC4 h 35 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
2/1/19888:36 UTC3 h 5 mACIMS (Active Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry) + CRYOGENIC SAMPLER--- No Data ---
2/8/19888:02 UTC25 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
2/10/198821:52 UTC6 h 53 mCRYOGENIC SAMPLER (KFA)--- No Data ---
4/12/198801:04 utc---MIKROBA 2 (MIKRO-g with Ballon drop capsule)--- No Data ---
9/1/198801:33:00---PIROG 3 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)--- No Data ---
1/17/19898:11 UTC2 h 36 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT--- No Data ---
1/18/19899:20 UTC2 h 36 mACIMS (Active Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
1/23/198911:30 UTC3 h 28 mMULTI-INSTRUMENTED GONDOLA--- No Data ---
1/30/198911:27 UTC3 h 19 mACIMS (Active Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry) + OZONE SONDES--- No Data ---
5/8/1989 ---MIKROBA 3 (MIKRO-g with Ballon drop capsule)--- No Data ---
1/9/199023:34:22---LMD--- No Data ---
1/10/19906:23 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique) + Telemetry test--- No Data ---
1/11/19907:08 utc---BONBON + CRYOGENIC SAMPLER--- No Data ---
1/13/199002:53:35---KR 007--- No Data ---
1/16/199007:30:46---KR 010--- No Data ---
1/18/199007:44:31---LOAL-LILLE--- No Data ---
1/18/199018:44:30---CNRS-SA--- No Data ---
1/19/199022:55:36---KR 013--- No Data ---
1/19/199014:30 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
1/24/199007:28:05---KR 017--- No Data ---
1/26/199014:10 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
1/27/199007:16:00---KR 023--- No Data ---
1/29/199003:49:20---KFA--- No Data ---
1/30/199007:19:50---KR 023--- No Data ---
1/30/199023:15:00---MPIK--- No Data ---
1/31/199008:01:00---CNRS--- No Data ---
1/31/199022:26:00---KR 025--- No Data ---
2/2/199010:21:00---KR 027--- No Data ---
2/5/199000:45:00---MPIK--- No Data ---
2/6/199018:06:00---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
2/8/199016:15:57---TECHNO BA--- No Data ---
2/9/19907:57 utc---JUMBO + CRYOGENIC SAMPLER--- No Data ---
5/22/199002:16:41---PIROG 4 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)The gondola landed practically undamaged in a swamp a few hundred meters from the launch pad.
5/23/19902:48 utc---MIKROBA 4 (MIKRO-g with Ballon drop capsule)--- No Data ---
8/27/19902:43---PIROG 5 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)Shootdown by soviet fighters near the Finish-Russian border.
1/18/199105:30:25---STRAFAM 3 (Stratosphaeren-Fallschirm-Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
1/22/199107:50:20---STRAFAM 3 (Stratosphaeren-Fallschirm-Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
1/26/199115:56:25---STRAFAM 3 (Stratosphaeren-Fallschirm-Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
1/26/199119:26:20---STRAFAM 3 (Stratosphaeren-Fallschirm-Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
2/4/199117:07:26---STRAFAM 3 (Stratosphaeren-Fallschirm-Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
2/6/199116:44:02---STRAFAM 3 (Stratosphaeren-Fallschirm-Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
8/30/199104:02:02---PIROG 6 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)--- No Data ---
11/20/199114:10 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
11/25/199110:14 utc---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
11/28/199110:08 utc---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
11/30/199104:31:55---BONBON--- No Data ---
12/4/199114:00 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
12/5/199108:41:44---ASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics)--- No Data ---
12/10/199109:26:35---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT--- No Data ---
12/11/199115:10 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
12/12/199103:36:09---KFA CAO--- No Data ---
12/13/199110:35 utc---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
12/17/199100:13:43---OZONOXYPOLY--- No Data ---
1/9/199207:47:46---ASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics) + CAESR (Cold Atmospheric Emission Spectral Radiometer)--- No Data ---
1/9/199210:28 utc---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
1/13/199200:14 utc~ 6 hMIPAS-B1 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
1/13/199211:19 utc---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
1/16/199211:08 utc---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
1/18/199216:28:28---MPI-K--- No Data ---
1/18/199214:59:00---CAO 1--- No Data ---
1/18/199205:11:06---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE)--- No Data ---
1/22/199207:19:30---OZONOXYPOLY--- No Data ---
1/23/1992 ---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
1/27/199201:08:39---CAO 2--- No Data ---
1/27/19928:21 utc---RADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
1/30/1992 ---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
1/31/199215:32 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
1/31/199207:10:59---CLUSTER--- No Data ---
2/4/199210:29:40---MPI-K--- No Data ---
2/5/199211:09:04---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
2/6/199215:35:46---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE) + CAO2--- No Data ---
2/9/199200:59 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
2/10/199220:03:50---ASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics) + CAESR (Cold Atmospheric Emission Spectral Radiometer)--- No Data ---
2/10/199212:33 utc---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
2/12/199210:49 utc---RADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
2/13/199211:18:32---ACIMS (Active Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
3/5/199205:07:49---ASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics) + CAESR (Cold Atmospheric Emission Spectral Radiometer)--- No Data ---
3/10/199203:08 utc---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
3/10/199215:55 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
3/12/199209:35:37---ASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics)--- No Data ---
3/14/199219:51 utc---MIPAS-B1 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)Free fall from 32 km. Impact in a frozen lake near Nikel, Russia. Payload destroyed
3/14/199214:23 utc---LPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere)Free fall from 32 km on a frozen lake near Nikel, Russia. Instrument destroyed.
3/19/199214:42 utc---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
3/20/199217:22 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
3/20/199210:30:54---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE)--- No Data ---
5/11/19923:23 utc---MIKROBA 5 (MIKRO-g with Ballon drop capsule)--- No Data ---
2/8/199305:54:36---STRAFAM 3 (Stratosphaeren-Fallschirm-Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
2/10/199306:00:11---STRAFAM 3 (Stratosphaeren-Fallschirm-Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
2/18/199310:03:05---STRAFAM 3 (Stratosphaeren-Fallschirm-Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
11/23/199308:31:17---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT--- No Data ---
1/21/19947:41 utc2 h 49 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
1/25/19948:41 utc22 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon) + BALLAD (BALloon Limb Aerosol Detection)--- No Data ---
1/31/199412:06 utc2 h 30 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
2/1/19947:59 utc3 h 55 mTRIPLE (BONBON)--- No Data ---
2/2/19947:26 utc3 h 5 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon) + BALLAD (BALloon Limb Aerosol Detection)--- No Data ---
2/5/199412:23 utc2 h 32 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
2/8/19949:23 utc4 h 11 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon) + BALLAD (BALloon Limb Aerosol Detection)--- No Data ---
2/9/19947:54 utc2 h 42 m???????????? + Dual-beam In-Situ UV-Absorption Ozone Photometer--- No Data ---
2/10/199412:43 utc2 h 17 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
1/21/199520:38 utc---OPTICAL PARTICLE COUNTER--- No Data ---
1/23/199515:51 utc3 h 42 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
1/27/19958:17 utc4 h 34 mASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics)--- No Data ---
1/28/199510:37 utc4 h 32 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon) + BALLAD (BALloon Limb Aerosol Detection) + BOCCAD (Balloon OCCultation Aerosol Detection) + OPC--- No Data ---
1/30/199516:43 utc1 h 42 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
2/3/199517:33 utc---OPTICAL PARTICLE COUNTER + CAO--- No Data ---
2/3/19955:59 utc2 h 55 mTRIPLE (BONBON + Dual-beam In-Situ UV-Absorption Ozone Photometer)between Oulu and Helsinki in Finland.
2/10/199520:12 utc4 h 3 mAMON (Absorption de Minoritaires, Ozone et NOx)--- No Data ---
2/11/19959:24 utc2 h 54 mOZONOXY--- No Data ---
2/11/199517:34 utc6 h 28 mMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
2/13/199515:30 utc5 hELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
2/14/199511:23 utc31 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere)--- No Data ---
3/2/199512:10 utc4 h 21 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon) + BALLAD (BALloon Limb Aerosol Detection) + BOCCAD (Balloon OCCultation Aerosol Detection) + OPC--- No Data ---
3/3/199512:56 utc2 h 14 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere)--- No Data ---
3/6/199514:15 utc2 h 15 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
3/6/19958:12 utc2 h 46 mCLO-BRO MEASUREMENTS--- No Data ---
3/7/199516:21 utc3 h 56 mCRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE)--- No Data ---
3/8/19958:28 utc2 h 57 mASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics)--- No Data ---
3/20/199515:52 utc3 h 57 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
3/20/199522:55 utc4 h 56 mBAMAS (Ballongetragenes Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
3/21/199515:12 utc2 h 20 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
3/21/199520:51 utc7 h 8 mMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
3/22/199514:31 utc3 h 2 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + CAESR (Cryogenic Atmospheric Emission Spectre-Radiometer)--- No Data ---
3/24/199515:59 utc1 h 26 mCRANE LAUNCH SYSTEM TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
5/12/199518:322 h 55 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
5/14/19956:522 h 19 mHUYGENS SM2--- No Data ---
5/22/199519:43:003 h 41 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
8/19/19969:44 utc40 h 20 mINTERBOA I (International Balloon Observations of Aurora)--- No Data ---
8/24/19969:43 utc42 h 18 mINTERBOA I (International Balloon Observations of Aurora)--- No Data ---
8/27/199619:46 utc25 h 5 mINTERBOA I (International Balloon Observations of Aurora)--- No Data ---
2/2/199710:271 h 54 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
2/9/19977:30 utc3 h 49 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
2/10/19979:112 hCRYOGENIC AIR SAMPLER--- No Data ---
2/10/199712:51---WATER VAPOUR MEASUREMENTS--- No Data ---
2/10/199719:25 utc3 h 40 mMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
2/11/19979:252 h 51 mTRIPLE (BONBON + FISH + ?)--- No Data ---
2/14/199719:402 h 5 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
2/14/199712:122 h 50 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS--- No Data ---
2/22/19979:03 utc3 h 7 mCRYOGENIC SAMPLERIn Finland
2/23/199719:49---Optical Particle Counter--- No Data ---
2/24/199712:452 h 46 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO--- No Data ---
2/24/199718:0313 dSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)In Greenland.
2/25/19979:162 hCRYOGENIC AIR SAMPLER--- No Data ---
2/25/1997 ---WATER VAPOUR MEASUREMENTS--- No Data ---
2/26/199712:503 hLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + LPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + CAESR (Cryogenic Atmospheric Emission Spectre-Radiometer)--- No Data ---
2/26/199718:58 utc3 h 37 mAMON (Absorption de Minoritaires, Ozone et NOx)--- No Data ---
2/28/199713:452 h 10 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
3/17/199720:5021 d & 3 hSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)Near Trondheim, Norway
3/18/199714:452 h 35 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
3/18/19977:26 utc3 h 30 mCRYOGENIC SAMPLER / DESCARTESIn Finland
3/20/199715:002 h 20 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO--- No Data ---
3/21/199714:322 h 35 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + LPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + CAESR (Cryogenic Atmospheric Emission Spectre-Radiometer)--- No Data ---
3/24/199717:30 utc3 hMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
4/28/199711:55---TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
5/1/199710:30---OZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
8/16/19978:17---OZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
1/24/199817:18---MPI BACKSCATTER--- No Data ---
5/10/19984:24 utc---OZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
8/3/199808:42:00---BACKDOOR SYSTEM TEST--- No Data ---
8/7/199817:542 hPARACHUTE TEST--- No Data ---
8/10/199819:464 h 43 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
8/11/199817:598 h 25 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO--- No Data ---
8/15/19986:381 h 52 mORION PARACHUTE SYSTEM TESTNear launch site.
8/19/199815.4712 h 46 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS--- No Data ---
8/25/199820:04 utc~ 1 h 30 mSKERRIESNear the Tsåkso mountain in the N part of Sweden.
8/25/199813:53 utc38 h 38 mINTERBOA II (International Balloon Observations of Aurora)--- No Data ---
8/28/199816.3910 h 32 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO--- No Data ---
8/29/199817:44 utc45 hINTERBOA II (International Balloon Observations of Aurora)--- No Data ---
12/8/199816.13 utc~ 2 hSKERRIES 1Near the village of Kompelusvaara, Sweden
1/18/199916:263 hELHYSA + DIRAC--- No Data ---
1/27/199911:382 h 53 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
1/27/19993:30 utc6 h 15 mMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne) + SFINX--- No Data ---
1/30/199914.112 h 37 mELHYSA + DIRAC--- No Data ---
2/6/199912.231 h 41 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
2/6/199910:035 h 9 mTRIPLE (FISH + ? + ?)--- No Data ---
2/10/199911.353 h 30 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS--- No Data ---
2/11/199923.481 h 35 mBPS support flight--- No Data ---
2/11/199920:104 h 47 mAMON (Absorption de Minoritaires, Ozone et NOx) + AMON-RA--- No Data ---
2/12/199916.55---BACKSCATTER--- No Data ---
2/12/199910:13---BACKDOOR--- No Data ---
2/12/19993.07---BACKSCATTER--- No Data ---
2/18/199913.142 h 29 mTechnological flight ALLEGEE system--- No Data ---
2/18/199918.407 dSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + CH4 + O3In Siberia on the russian federation.
2/18/19999.335 h7 ENG BALLOON TEST FLIGHT # 1In Finland
2/19/199914.4317 dLABS (Laser Backscatter Sonde) + O3In the Canada coast at 54º 97' N - 56º 70' W
2/22/19999.172 h 25 mORION--- No Data ---
2/23/199910.333 h 28 mSDLA-LAMA (Spectromètre à Diode Laser Accordable - Laser pour l'Analyse du Méthane Atmosphérique)--- No Data ---
2/25/199910.48---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
4/20/19999.46---TESTBILD--- No Data ---
5/3/19996:05---OZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
8/26/199912.44 utc~ 2 hSKERRIES 2By the lake Kitkiöjärvi near the Finnish border.
9/6/199907:11:11---TELEMETRY TEST--- No Data ---
11/9/199910.22 utc~ 2 hSKERRIES 3--- No Data ---
11/11/199907:34:00---TELEMETRY TEST--- No Data ---
11/19/19994:37 utc5 h 18 mOMS Gondola - Analizador de CO2 / LACE / UV O3 PHOTOMETER / ALIAS II9 miles S of Kittila, Sweden
12/3/19999:11 utc6 h 43 mMKIV INTERFEROMETER / SLS Microwave Instrument (both JPL) and DESCARTES instrument (IRF)12 miles S of Orajarvi, Sweden
12/4/199915.173 h 40 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
12/4/19999:19 utc---AEROCLIPPER--- No Data ---
12/6/199910:13 utc---AEROCLIPPER--- No Data ---
12/10/199914.202 h 34 mETNA (Equipement de Télécommunication Numérique pour Aérostat)--- No Data ---
12/15/199911:00 utc~ 2 hSKERRIES 4--- No Data ---
12/17/199910.161 h 49 mETNA (Equipement de Télécommunication Numérique pour Aérostat)--- No Data ---
1/10/200010.0422 m7 ENG BALLOON TEST FLIGHT # 2--- No Data ---
1/12/20009.151 h 45 m7 ENG BALLOON TEST FLIGHT # 3--- No Data ---
1/14/20009.542 h 8 mµRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
1/19/200020.433 h 37 mANALYSIS OF POLAR STRATOSPHERIC CLOUDS--- No Data ---
1/19/200011.48---HALOZ + DIRAC + OPC--- No Data ---
1/23/200014.382 h 4 mSALOMON (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox)--- No Data ---
1/25/200015.46---BACKSCATTER SOND--- No Data ---
1/25/20009.031 h 8 mµRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
1/25/200019.463 h 34 mANALYSIS OF POLAR STRATOSPHERIC CLOUDS--- No Data ---
1/27/200012.22?HALOZ + DIRAC + OPC--- No Data ---
1/27/200011.054 h 36 mTRIPLE--- No Data ---
1/28/200011.183 h 21 mSAOZ + BrO + Descartes + CH4 + 2*O3 / U + Eday--- No Data ---
2/9/200012.56---SAOZ + SAOZ BrO + DESCARTES + CH4 + 2*O3/Ucam--- No Data ---
2/13/200012.541 h 57 mSAOZ + SAOZ-BrO + CH4 + 2 * O3 / Ucam--- No Data ---
2/16/20008.262 h 10 mParachute system test--- No Data ---
2/18/200016.222 dLABS (Laser Backscatter Sonde) + O3Payload retrieved from Hudson Bay, Canadá.
2/18/200012.154 h 17 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOASIn Russian Federation
2/18/200018.1418 dLAGRANGIAN EXPERIMENTnear Minsk, Russian Federation.
2/22/200016.452 h 35 mSALOMON (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox)--- No Data ---
2/23/200010.331 h 54 mORION--- No Data ---
2/27/200013.402 h 20 mSupport flight MIR--- No Data ---
2/29/200015.433 dTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTIn Siberia.
3/1/20009.43---HALOZ + DIRAC--- No Data ---
3/1/20003.364 h 48 mTRIPLE--- No Data ---
3/3/200013.32 utc4 h 24 mARCHEOPS - INMARSAT TEST--- No Data ---
3/5/200015:14 utc---OMS (Observations of the Middle Stratosphere) + ALIAS II + UV O3 PHOTOMETER133 miles from Esrange, Sweden
3/6/200015.27---10 ZUL new type balloon test flight--- No Data ---
3/7/200014.153 h 28 mSAOZ + BrO + DESCARTES + Labs + techno 10ZUL--- No Data ---
3/8/200012.57 UTC---HALOZ127 km SSE of Kiruna, Sweden
3/15/20001:05 utc5 hMKIV INTERFEROMETER / SLS Microwave199 miles from Esrange, Sweden
3/25/200015.31---SAOZ + CH4 + 2 * Labs--- No Data ---
3/25/200019.342 h 13 m7 ENG BALLOON TEST FLIGHT # 4--- No Data ---
3/27/200017:431 h 20 mSAPIN--- No Data ---
3/28/20007:533 h 38 mSUPERPRESSURE BALLOON--- No Data ---
3/29/200017.531 h 33 mTEST NSO.S--- No Data ---
4/1/200015:591 h 47 mµRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
4/1/20009:322 h 36 mSUPERPRESSURE BALLOON--- No Data ---
4/3/200019:002 h 17 mSUPERPRESSURE BALLOON--- No Data ---
4/4/200010:00---HALOZ--- No Data ---
4/4/200000:124 hARCHEOPS - INMARSAT / STELLAR TRACKER TEST--- No Data ---
4/7/200017:0018 m30SFR Techno flight--- No Data ---
4/7/20004:003 hSUPERPRESSURE BALLOON--- No Data ---
5/6/200013:31:00---BD 2--- No Data ---
5/8/200020:16 utc---OZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
5/10/200019:25:00---INMARSAT TEST--- No Data ---
5/15/200011:32 utc2 hDESCARTESNear Hakkas, Sweden
6/16/20009:56 utc2 hDESCARTESNear Svappavaara, Sweden
8/14/20009:12 utc2 h 30 mDESCARTESNear Kangos, Sweden
9/22/200013:45 utc~ 2 hSKERRIES 5NE of Övre Soppero, Sweden
11/17/200012:59 utc~ 2 hSKERRIES 6SE of Kompelusvaara, Sweden
11/24/200019:524 h 35 mOZONE SAMPLERLake Randijaure, W of Jokkmokk, Sweden
11/24/20008:585 h 24 mTANGO MAP 11North of the town of Pello, Finland
11/29/20009:306 h 11 mTANGO MAP 12S of Pello, Finland
12/2/200015:0010 h 31 mOPENING FLIGHT ARCHEOPS CAMPAIGN--- No Data ---
12/4/200018:463 h 30 mSALOMON (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox)--- No Data ---
12/4/20009:254 hTANGO MAP 13North of the town of Rovaniemi, Finland
12/11/200014:09 utc~ 2 hSKERRIES 7E of Kittilä, Finland
12/12/20008:425 h 24 mTANGO MAP 14North of the town of Kemijärvi, Finland
12/12/200015:063 h 30 mNTA Test flight + HYGROMETER--- No Data ---
12/18/2000~ 09:00---TANGO MAP 15--- No Data ---
1/11/200112:02 utc4 h 37 mMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
1/12/200110:262 h 18 mARCHEOPS--- No Data ---
1/12/200116:553h 45 mPSC 1--- No Data ---
1/29/200113:28 utc10 hARCHEOPSIn Syktyvkar, Russian Federation
2/17/200113:054 h 39 mMAP 21--- No Data ---
2/19/200112:373 h 50 mMAP 22--- No Data ---
2/22/200116:096 h 19 mMAP 23--- No Data ---
2/28/200112:2511 h 14 mMAP 24--- No Data ---
3/13/200110:264 hLPMA-IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer)25 km at W of Liminkojarvi city, Sweden.
3/16/200115:262 hMAP 25--- No Data ---
3/17/200115:00---MAP (long duration)--- No Data ---
3/20/200115:115 h 30 mJUMBO--- No Data ---
3/21/20019:35---MAP 26--- No Data ---
3/21/200114:273 h 49 mVLD 02 (long duration)--- No Data ---
3/23/200116:235 h 15 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT--- No Data ---
3/27/200112:07---VLD 03 + RUMBA--- No Data ---
8/9/20017:532 h 20 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
8/14/200112:502 h 50 mNAL Mock-up--- No Data ---
8/16/200110:003 h 35 mCNES Mock-up--- No Data ---
8/21/200115:3811h 10 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS200 km E of Kiruna, Sweden
8/23/200116:4810 h 30 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
8/29/200111:084 hCNES Techno-TM--- No Data ---
8/31/2001 ---HSFD (High Speed Flight Demonstrator)No launch
11/9/20019:14---EBASS (Esrange Balloon Service System)--- No Data ---
12/3/20019:21 utc3 h 30 mOZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
12/4/200110:00---OPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
12/5/200116:49---OPENING FLIGHT + INMARSAT test--- No Data ---
12/6/200111:44---25ENG new balloon type test flight--- No Data ---
12/9/200120:284 h 20 mPSC 1--- No Data ---
12/12/200116:00---RUS 500m3--- No Data ---
12/16/20014:58 utc~ 3 hSKERRIES 8Close to the Finland border
12/18/20019:102 h 40 m30 SFR techno--- No Data ---
1/9/200214:3641 (d ? h ?)PRE-VORCORE LONG DURATION TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
1/15/200216:203 h 35 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
1/17/200211:306 hARCHEOPSIn Finland
1/19/20029:00---PRE-VORCORE LONG DURATION TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
1/21/200220:195 h 35 mSALOMON (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox)--- No Data ---
1/22/200211:00---PRE-VORCORE LONG DURATION TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
1/22/200216:30---PRE-VORCORE LONG DURATION TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
1/24/200215:15---PRE-VORCORE LONG DURATION TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
1/26/200210:00---PRE-VORCORE LONG DURATION TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
2/4/200210:36---PRE-VORCORE LONG DURATION TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
2/5/20029:57 utc---PRE-VORCORE LONG DURATION TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
2/7/200212:44 utc22 h 20 mARCHEOPSNear Norilsk, Russian Federation
2/12/200211:56 utc4 hMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)In the Russian Federation
3/2/20029:38---HALOZ 2-1--- No Data ---
3/13/200216:35---MIR ALLEGEE--- No Data ---
3/14/200216:11---MIR VLD-1 / INMARSAT--- No Data ---
3/17/200216:253,5 dTEST FLIGHTOver Canada 45ºN - 124ºW
8/3/20026:12---OPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
8/5/200218:054 h 20 mLPMA-IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer)200 kms southwest from Kiruna, Sweden
8/8/2002 ---SDLA-LAMA (Spectromètre à Diode Laser Accordable - Laser pour l'Analyse du Méthane Atmosphérique)--- No Data ---
8/12/200217:46---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
8/18/2002 ---LPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere)40 km W of Jokkmokk, Sweden
11/25/200215:533 h 48 mBEXUS I (Balloon Experiments for University Students) + EBASSW of Kuosku, Finland
11/28/200215:10 utc3 h 38 mOZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
12/3/20029:58---AEROSOL STUDIES--- No Data ---
12/4/200218:04 UTC5 hPSC1--- No Data ---
12/6/200222:31 UTC5 hPSC2--- No Data ---
12/7/20022:39 utc7 hMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)Near the russian city of Murmansk
12/16/20024:59 utc~ 5 hMKIV INTERFEROMETER + UV O3 PHOTOMETER100 km SW of Murmansk, Russian Federation
1/10/200310:48---OPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
1/16/20039:07---AEROSOL STUDIES--- No Data ---
1/16/200314:33---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
1/21/200318:23---SPIRALE (Spectroscopie Infra-Rouge par Absorption de Laser Embarqué)--- No Data ---
1/22/20039:26---AEROSOL STUDIES--- No Data ---
3/1/200318:22---AMON (Absorption de Minoritaires, Ozone et NOx) + AMON-RA--- No Data ---
3/4/2003 ---LPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS + micro DOAS + CAESR40 km northwest of Raiskio, Finland
3/6/20036:02---TRIPLE + CHILD--- No Data ---
3/16/200314:49---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ Bro--- No Data ---
3/20/200319:22 local15 hMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)50 kms from the launch site.
3/23/2003 ---LPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS + micro DOAS + CAESR60 km E of Rovaniemi, Finland
3/25/20038:58 utc---ELITE--- No Data ---
3/30/200315:32---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ Bro--- No Data ---
3/31/200314:00 utc---MKIV INTERFEROMETER + UV O3 PHOTOMETER--- No Data ---
3/31/200323:45 utc~ 3 hMKIV INTERFEROMETER + UV O3 PHOTOMETERNear the village of Somma in NE Finland
6/5/20031:07---HSFD (High Speed Flight Demonstrator)--- No Data ---
6/9/20034:46---TRIPLE--- No Data ---
7/1/200306:03 local---HSFD (High Speed Flight Demonstrator)In the so called "Zone B" devoted to the landing of the nosecones of the rockets launched from ESRANGE
7/3/200322:26 utc3 hMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)In a birch grove in the Scandinavian mountains.
1/10/20045.55 local---OPC (Optical Particle Counters)In the northern part of Sweden near the village of Murjek.
2/26/200410:575 h 6 mBEXUS II (Balloon Experiments for University Students)In the northeast part of Finland, near the Russian border
3/3/200410:483 hOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
3/4/200422:512 h 33 mSALOMON (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox)In Finland
3/8/2004 ---µRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
3/11/200420:00 local~ 3 hELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)106 km from launch site
3/13/2004 12 hELITE--- No Data ---
3/24/200413:50~ 6 hLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS + ASC--- No Data ---
3/25/20048:52---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
12/6/200412:30---E-LINK (Esrange Airborne Data Link)--- No Data ---
1/10/20053:13~ 3 hHYGROMETER (in support of MAGIC rocket launch)--- No Data ---
1/27/200511:36---E-LINK (Esrange Airborne Data Link)--- No Data ---
3/1/200513:12---AURA + Dual-beam In-Situ UV-Absorption Ozone Photometer--- No Data ---
3/22/200515:214 h 19 mBEXUS III (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)40 km W of the village of Vilhelmina, Sweden
6/12/20051:09 utc4 d 5 h 6 mBLAST (Balloon-borne Large Aperture Sub-millimeter Telescope)On Victoria Island, 170 miles NW of Cambridge Bay, Northern Canadá
6/29/200511:45~ 3 hrCAPANINAS of Nikkaluokta, Sweden
8/11/20059:45 utc---CAPANINA--- No Data ---
8/31/20051:52~ 9 hrCAPANINANear the village of Junosuando in the N part of Sweden
1/9/200615:41~ 5 hTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT + DUSTERNear Porttipahdan Tekojärvi in Finland.
1/16/200616:066 hSALOMON (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox)In the N part of Finland, near the lake Inari.
1/20/2006 3 h 30 mSPIRALE (Spectroscopie Infra-Rouge par Absorption de Laser Embarqué) + STACNear the village of Lannavaara, in the N part of Sweden
2/18/2006 3 hOPENING CAMPAIGN TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT + FLASH BNear the village of Karesuando in the N part of Sweden
2/28/200611:24 utc---12 METERS SUPERPRESSURE BALLOON TEST--- No Data ---
3/1/200612:2410 hLPMA-IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) + Mini DOAS50 km northwest of Tingisautio, in the northeast part of Finland
3/3/200610:14 utc26 h12 METERS SUPERPRESSURE BALLOON TESTIn Northern Finland
3/7/20069:52 utc4 h12 METERS SUPERPRESSURE BALLOON TEST--- No Data ---
6/2/20062:085 d 4 h 5 mAESOP (Anti-Electron Sub Orbital Payload)163 miles W of Cambridge Bay, Victoria Island, Canadá
6/12/20061:238 h 41 mULDB (Ultra Long Duration Balloon)51 miles SO of Esrange, Sweden
6/19/200611:133 h 10 mBEXUS IV (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)10 km W of Naimakka village, Sweden
7/8/20063:424 d 13 h 58 mTRACER (Transition Radiation Array for Cosmic Energetic Radiation)75 nm SSE of Resolute, Nunavut Province, Canada
12/14/200613:14 utc---E-LINK TEST--- No Data ---
1/24/20077:463 h 24 mFIRS-2 (far infrared Fourier transform spectrometer)North of Valvtrasket lake, in Norrbotten, Sweden
2/7/20073:13~ 2 hJPL REMOTEEast of Talinnen, in Norrbotten, Sweden
2/15/20079:54 utc---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT--- No Data ---
2/22/200715:03 utc---LPMA-IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer)--- No Data ---
2/22/200711:37~ 1 hJPL REMOTE--- No Data ---
2/23/200716:30 utc---INTAS--- No Data ---
2/26/200713:47 utc---BP1--- No Data ---
2/28/200710:46 utc---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT--- No Data ---
3/5/200713:408 dSUPERPRESSURE BALLOONBetween Iceland and Norway
3/5/20077:23 utc---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT--- No Data ---
3/6/200711:10 utc---ISBA--- No Data ---
3/7/20078:514 dSUPERPRESSURE BALLOONBetween Iceland and Greenland
3/12/200717:145 dSUPERPRESSURE BALLOONIn Labrador, Canada
3/14/20077:56 utc---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT--- No Data ---
3/28/2007 ~ 3 h 30 mBEXUS V (Balloon EXperiments for University Students) + ELINKEast of Rovaniemi, Finland
6/28/20085:074 d 10 hMEAP (Mars Environment Analogue Platform)135km from Umingmaktok, Canada
10/8/200813:36~ 4 hBEXUS 7 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)North of Rovaniemi, Finland.
10/8/20087:10~ 5 hBEXUS 6 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)In Finland, near the border
3/10/20094:21~ 5 hTWIN SAMPLERNear the town of Muodoslompolo, in Finland
3/10/200923:18 utc~ 12 hMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne) + TELIS (TeraHertz Limb Sounder)East of Anetjarvi, Finland
5/17/20092:26~ 4 dLEE (Low Energy Electrons)On Devon Island, North of Canada
6/6/200922:183 d 17 hAESOP (Anti-Electron Sub Orbital Payload)In the south of Ellesmere Island, Canada
6/8/20096:27 utc5 d 17 h 18 mSUNRISEIn Somerset Island, Nunavut, Canada
6/22/20091:01~ 4hULDB (Ultra Long Duration Balloon)In the Sjaunja Reserve, southwest of Kiruna, Sweden
8/2/200918:004 hELHYSA + STAC20 km SW of Kiruna, Sweden
8/7/20091:265 hSPIRALE (Spectroscopie Infra-Rouge par Absorption de Laser Embarqué) + STACIn the Sjaunja Nature Reserve, 40 km SW of Kiruna, Sweden
8/14/20099:26~ 8 hLPMA-IASI/SWIR (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + STACNear the north border of ESRANGE, Sweden
8/18/200913:217 hµRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)A few miles E of Sonkamuotka, Finland
8/24/200920:285 hSPIRALE (Spectroscopie Infra-Rouge par Absorption de Laser Embarqué) + STAC27 km SSE from Kiruna, Sweden
8/25/200914:557 h 30 mSALOMON-N2 (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et NOx - Nacelle 2)Near Nedre Soppero, 57 km NE from Kiruna, Sweden
8/26/200919:034 hELHYSA + STAC8 km N of Knoksu, Sweden
9/6/20095:30 local2 hTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTNear Nedre Soppero, 57 km NE from Kiruna, Sweden
9/7/200914:50 utc16 hLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS + STAC10 km al Norwest of Seitajarvi, Finland
9/12/2009 ---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT120 km ESE from Kiruna, Sweden
10/10/200914:00 local4 hBEXUS 8 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)153 km east of Kiruna. In Finland
10/11/200911:33 local4 hBEXUS 9 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)205 km east of Kiruna. In Finland
1/24/201000:47 utc12 hMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne) + TELIS (TeraHertz Limb Sounder)40 km E of Kuusamo, Finland
4/4/201017:24 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
4/9/201014:42 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
4/11/201023:41 utc---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT # 1--- No Data ---
4/21/20105:39 utc7 hTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT # 2--- No Data ---
4/25/20106:55 utc~ 8 hLPMA-IASI/SWIR (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + STACNorth of Porttipahdan Tekojarvi lake, Finland
4/29/201017:28 utc8 hMINI-SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + ISAO20 km east of Kautokeino, Norway
5/3/20106:40 utc1 h 30 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT # 3N of ESRANGE, Sweden
5/6/201014:35 utc2 hTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT # 4NE of Vittangijarvi Lake, Sweden
5/13/2010 ---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT # 5West of Øvre Anarjohka National Park, Norway
5/19/2010 ---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT # 6 (SST)South of Tornetrask lake, Sweden
10/9/20101:07 utc~ 5 hBEXUS 10 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)In Finland
11/23/20108:19 utc~ 3 hBEXUS 11 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)North of Kajaani, Finland
1/18/20119:52 utc---D-SEND 1 TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
2/15/201116:00 utc7 hSP2 (Stratéole-Phase 2)NE of Finland, near the Russian border
3/11/201114:02 utc---MINI-SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
3/12/201119:47 utc3 hELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique) + Pico-SDLA (Spectromètre à Diode Laser Accordable)Near Ivalo, Finland
3/14/201123:42 utc---SAWfPHY (Surface Acoustic Wave frost Point HYgrometer)--- No Data ---
3/30/201122:45 utc7 hMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)In Russia near the Finland border
4/1/201114:30 utc3 hTWIN (HALOX-B + BONBON + Pico-SDLA)SE of Rovaniemi, Finland
4/7/201114:25 utc5 hDUSTER (Dust in the Upper Stratosphere Tracking Experiment and Return)NE of Porsi, Sweden
4/19/201111:11 utc---SSTDNorth of Sweden
4/20/201120:35 utc3 hSPIRALE (Spectroscopie Infra-Rouge par Absorption de Laser Embarqué) + OFCEAS185 km SW of Kiruna, Sweden
4/23/20113:01 utc4 h 9 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS + OSKARSouth of Kiruna, Sweden
4/24/201100:00 utc3 h 40 mµRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)N of Arjeplog, Sweden
4/28/20112:34 utc2 h 30 mSALOMON-N2 (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et NOx - Nacelle 2)W of Porjus, Sweden
5/1/20112:24 utc4 hTECHNO SF12W of Gällivare, Sweden
5/7/2011 ---D-SEND 1 (Drop test for Simplified Evaluation of Nonsymmetrically Distributed sonic boom)--- No Data ---
5/16/20113:05 utc---D-SEND 1 (Drop test for Simplified Evaluation of Nonsymmetrically Distributed sonic boom)--- No Data ---
5/27/20111:21 utc4 d 14 hLEE (Low Energy Electrons)Western coast of Somerset Island, Nunavut, Canada
6/10/201100:19 utc4 d 16 hAESOP (Anti-Electron Sub Orbital Payload)Somerset Island, Nunavut, Canada
6/13/201123:12 utc4 d 1 hHIWIND (High-altitude Interferometer WIND Experiment)Somerset Island, Nunavut, Canada
7/7/20111:57 local time5 h 25 mPoGOLite (Polarised Gamma-ray Observer)Flight aborted due to balloon problems. Gondola landed near Nikkaluokta, Sweden
9/27/201117:37 utc---BEXUS 12 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)E of Pello, Finland
9/28/201115:21 utc3 h 30 mBEXUS 13 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)NW of Rovaniemi, Finland
2/8/201210:00 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
4/4/201212:09 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
8/14/20123:44 utc6 h 27 mSPB (Super Pressure Balloon)15 kms NE of ESRANGE, Sweden
9/24/201211:00 utc5 hBEXUS 14 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)--- No Data ---
9/25/201210:18 utc---BEXUS 15 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)--- No Data ---
11/29/20129:05 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
2/19/20139:40 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
2/20/201311:15 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
3/20/2013 ---TFB-01 + POGoLInoNear Muonio, Finland
6/12/20135:38 utc5 d 7 h 4 mSUNRISE IIIn Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada
7/12/20138:18 utc13 d 15 hPoGOLite (Polarised Gamma-ray Observer)100 km NW of Norilsk, Russia
8/16/2013 ---D-SEND 2 (Drop test for Simplified Evaluation of Nonsymmetrically Distributed sonic boom)--- No Data ---
9/10/20138:24 utc---LYKTANNear the Finnish border
10/8/20138:30 utc---BEXUS 16 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)In Finland
10/10/201316:12 utc5 h 10 mBEXUS 17 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)In Finland
12/18/201310:45 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
1/27/201410:22 utc---MADS (Magnetic Attitude Determination System)--- No Data ---
2/27/201410:45 utc---SVT - HJARNKONTORET--- No Data ---
3/20/201412:40 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
10/8/201417:56 utc4 h 30 mBEXUS 19 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)In Finland
10/10/20149:49 utc3 hBEXUS 18 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)In Finland
10/15/20148:58 utc SHADT (Sub-scale High Altitude Drop Test)--- No Data ---
10/16/20147:12 utc SHADT (Sub-scale High Altitude Drop Test)--- No Data ---
10/22/201411:35 utc TENTH NOTION--- No Data ---
10/22/20149:44 utc TENTH NOTION--- No Data ---
4/1/20159:40 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
5/8/20158:50 utc---HABLEG (High Altitude Balloon Launched Experimental Glider)In ESRANGE, Kiruna, Sweden
6/14/201520:34 utc~ 4 hERC # 1 (Earth Return Capsule)--- No Data ---
6/21/201515:36 utc~ 4 hERC # 2 (Earth Return Capsule)--- No Data ---
7/24/20154:43 utc---D-SEND 2 (Drop test for Simplified Evaluation of Nonsymmetrically Distributed sonic boom)--- No Data ---
8/5/20156:03 utc~ 4 hERC # 3 (Earth Return Capsule)--- No Data ---
8/10/201513:50 utc6 h 40 mBARREL 3A (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/13/20154:30 utc12 h 40 mBARREL 3B (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/17/201512:08 utc15 h 23 mBARREL 3C (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/19/20156:02 utc6 h 48 mBARREL 3D (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/21/20157:05 utc35 h 32 mBARREL 3E (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/25/201510:58 utc22 h 10 mBARREL 3G (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/25/20157:10 utc25 h 15 mBARREL 3F (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
10/7/20159:31 utc3 h 5 mBEXUS 21 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)60 km E of Gällivare, Sweden
10/10/20159:17 utc3 h 49 mBEXUS 20 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)In Finland, 25 km E of the Swedish border.
1/14/201613:32 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
2/12/20169:38 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
3/15/20168:26 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
7/12/20163:17 utc6 d 20 hPoGO+ (Polarised Gamma-ray Observer Plus)In Victoria Island, Canada
8/13/201622:24 utc7 h 20 mBARREL 4A (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)At coordinates 67.72N, 18.88E, Sweden
8/16/201620:02 utc7 h 50 mBARREL 4B (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)In Sweden
8/21/201617:49 utc+ 22 hBARREL 4C (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/21/201610:48 utc+ 27 hBARREL 4D (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/24/201617:24 utc16 h 15 mBARREL 4E (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/28/201618:33 utc+ 7 hBARREL 4F (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/29/2016  CLIMAT (Combinaison de Lasers et d'Instrument in-situ de Mesure dans l'Atmosphère Terrestre)--- No Data ---
8/29/201618:50 utc+ 19 hBARREL 4G (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
8/30/201620:14 utc+ 9 hBARREL 4H (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)--- No Data ---
9/3/20165:44 utc---BANA15 kms north of the town of Peltovuoma, Finland
10/5/201613:34 utc BEXUS 22 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)NE of Rovaniemi, Finland
10/7/20167:08 utc---BEXUS 23 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)South of Pajala, Sweden
12/15/201610:03 utc---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
10/18/2017 4 hPACKMAN-B (PArticle Counter k-index Magnetic ANomaly - Balloon)--- No Data ---
10/18/201711:39 utc1 h 40 mBEXUS 24 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)In North Finland
10/20/20179:26 utc4 h 50 mBEXUS 25 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)In North Finland
12/7/2017  ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
2/28/2018 ---ICE CLOUD OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
5/15/201822:08 utc5 d 15 h 55 mAESOP-LiteAt coordinates 78°23.89 N - 80°48.32 W, Ellesmere Island, Canada
6/24/201822:29 utc5 d 16 h 13 mHIWIND (High-altitude Interferometer WIND Experiment)Near Kugluktuk, Nunavut territory, Canada
7/8/20187:27 utc5 d 22 h 8 mPMC-Turbo300 nautic miles NNE of Yellowknife, Canada
8/15/2018 ---EXO-MARS HADT (High Altitude Drop Test)--- No Data ---
10/17/20189:44 utc BEXUS 26 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)In North Finland
10/18/201810:42 utc4 h 3 mBEXUS 27 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)--- No Data ---
5/28/20192:56 utc EXO-MARS HADT (High Altitude Drop Test)--- No Data ---
8/5/2019 ---EXO-MARS HADT (High Altitude Drop Test)--- No Data ---
8/16/201917:57 utc---SONC (Stratospheric Observations of Noctilucent Clouds)--- No Data ---
9/5/20194:22 utc12 h 32 mHEMERA-1In Finland
10/23/20194:33 utc4 h 3 mBEXUS 29 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)E of Pelkosenniemi, Finland
10/25/20194:21 utc3 h 30 mBEXUS 28 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)W of Ruuvaoja, Finland
2/11/20209:02 utc---VORTEX-DUST I--- No Data ---
2/19/20208:36 utc---MAGALT--- No Data ---
8/20/20203:58 utc---Mini-BOOSTER - I--- No Data ---
8/20/20203:58 utc---Mini-BOOSTER - II--- No Data ---
8/20/20203:58 utc---Mini-BOOSTER - III--- No Data ---
11/3/20209:25 utc~ 4 hEOSTRE (Experiment on Outliving microorganisms under STRatospheric Environment)Near Pokka, Finland
12/8/20208:54 utc---VORTEX-DUST II--- No Data ---
6/3/2021 ---EXO-MARS HADT (High Altitude Drop Test)Aborted flight
6/24/20213:32 utc~ 3 hEXO-MARS HADT (High Altitude Drop Test)--- No Data ---
6/25/20214:17 utc~ 4 hEXO-MARS HADT (High Altitude Drop Test)--- No Data ---
8/12/202121:18 utc5 h 39 mHEMERA I - TWIN--- No Data ---
8/16/202122:00 utc15 h 56 mXENON100 km E of ESRANGE, Sweden
8/21/2021 18 hHEMERA II--- No Data ---
8/23/2021 7 h 1 mSUPER CLIMAT--- No Data ---
9/11/20219:53 utc9 hHEMERA ZPB2021In Finland near the Russian Federation border
9/29/20217:11 utc BEXUS 31 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)--- No Data ---
9/30/20214:54 utc BEXUS 30 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)--- No Data ---
7/10/20221:42 utc6 hSUNRISE III100 km W of Kiruna, Sweden
7/11/202223:45 utc6 d 7 h 45 mXL-CALIBUR500 km NW of Yellowknife, Northwestern Territories, Canada
7/21/20222:34 utc4 h 45 mHEMERA LSB-1In ESRANGE's zone "B" 53 km NE of launch point.
7/24/20224:25 utc2 h 15 mHEMERA LSB-2 / HERMES65 km E of launch point
9/7/20225:20 utc11 h 30 mHEMERA ZPB2022In Norway, close to the border with Sweden
9/21/20233:42 utc---BEXUS 33 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)--- No Data ---
9/24/20236:08 utc3 h 31 mBEXUS 32 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)--- No Data ---
5/28/20243:21 utc6 d 8 h 27 mHELIX (High Energy Light Isotope eXperiment)120 miles NNE of Grise Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Canada
6/12/20242:32 utc~ 5 hSAPHERALLERIn ESRANGE's Zone B, near the Finish border
6/22/202418:57 UTC3 d 19 hTRANSAT77 nautic miles SE of Pond Inlet, Baffin Island, Canada
6/26/202423:01 UTC11 hATMOSFER6 miles WSW of Ovre Soppero, Sweden
7/9/20243:05 UTC5 d 20 hXL-CALIBURWeste of Kugluktuk in Nunavut Territory, Canada
7/10/20244:22 UTC6 d 15 hSUNRISE IIIE of Fort Good Hope,Sahtu Region,Northwest Territories, Canada
7/13/202414:39 UTC3 d 2 hBIG60 + BOOMSSE of Taloyoak, Boothia Peninsula, in the Kitikmeot Region of Nunavut, Canada.
10/2/20247:53 UTC---BEXUS 35 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)--- No Data ---
10/4/202413:47 UTC---BEXUS 34 (Balloon EXperiments for University Students)--- No Data ---

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