In the table below you will find the records of stratospheric balloons launched from different countries during 1992, which are currently available in StratoCat's database. Each row displays essential information such as the launch base, date and time of launch, and, if known, the mission duration and landing site of the payload. Clicking on the experiment name will offer details about the scientific institutions involved, a summary of the experiment's purpose and results, and other relevant information on the balloon flight, including references and images. Clicking on the arrows at the top and the bottom of the table you can move to other year's tables.

Launch baseDateFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
ESRANGE1/9---ASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics) + CAESR (Cold Atmospheric Emission Spectral Radiometer)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/9---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
McMurdo1/10~ 13 dHIREGS I (HIgh REsolution Gamma-ray and hard x-ray Spectrometer)In the Antarctic plateau, at coordinates 86.2º S and 160.5º E
ESRANGE1/13---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/13~ 6 hMIPAS-B1 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/16---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)1/16---ANCHORED LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
ESRANGE1/18---CAO 1--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/18---MPI-K--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)1/19---ANCHORED LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
Lauder1/20---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Alert (NU)1/201.94 dPOVORBEX (POlar VORrtex Balloon Experiment)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/22---OZONOXYPOLY--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/23---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)1/27---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/27---CAO 2--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/27---RADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
Akron (OH)1/28---EARTHWINDS (Dzhanibehov - Moses - Newman)Launch aborted due to low level high winds
ESRANGE1/30---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/31---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/31---CLUSTER--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/4---MPI-K--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/9---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/10---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/10---ASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics) + CAESR (Cold Atmospheric Emission Spectral Radiometer)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/12---RADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/13---ACIMS (Active Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)2/13---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Kagoshima2/14---HIMES (Highly Maneuverable Experimental Space Vehicle) - RFT-2--- No Data ---
Dagget (CA)2/20---UV O3 PHOTOMETER20 Miles N of Woodward, Oklahoma, US
Søndre Strømfjord2/22---OZONE STUDIESBalloon failure. Payload landed 90 miles NE of Sondrestrom, Greenland
Reconquista2/246 hPLASTIC SCINTILLATOR--- No Data ---
Volsk2/28---MARS-96 SONDE PARACHUTE TEST--- No Data ---
Søndre Strømfjord3/1---OZONE STUDIES160 miles ENE of Sondrestrom, Greenland
ESRANGE3/5---ASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics) + CAESR (Cold Atmospheric Emission Spectral Radiometer)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)3/6---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Søndre Strømfjord3/8---OZONE STUDIESAborted Flight
Dagget (CA)3/9---LDBV (Long Duration Balloon Vehicle) - Flight Test # 29 Miles SW of Vega, Texas, US
ESRANGE3/10---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE3/10---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
Søndre Strømfjord3/11---OZONE STUDIES140 miles ESE of Sondrestrom, Greenland
ESRANGE3/12---ASTRID (Air Sampling of TRacers for Identification of Dynamics)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE3/14---MIPAS-B1 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)Free fall from 32 km. Impact in a frozen lake near Nikel, Russia. Payload destroyed
ESRANGE3/14---LPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere)Free fall from 32 km on a frozen lake near Nikel, Russia. Instrument destroyed.
TIFR Hyderabad3/181 hXMPC (Xenon filled Multi-anode Proportional Counter telescope)Balloon burst in the tropopause.
ESRANGE3/19---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE3/20---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)3/26---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
TIFR Hyderabad4/5---XMPC (Xenon filled Multi-anode Proportional Counter telescope)--- No Data ---
Alice Springs4/10---GRIS (Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer)Aborted launch
Palestine (TX)4/13---SUPER PRESSURE TEST20 miles SSW of Jackson, Mississippi, US
Alice Springs4/2614 hGRIS (Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer)20 miles NNE of Clermont, Queensland, Australia
Alice Springs4/271 hBICE (Balloon-borne Infrared Carbon Explorer)Ruby Gorge, Northwestern Territories, Australia
Fort Sumner (NM)5/4---IBEX (Infrared Balloon-Borne Experiment)10 Miles NW of Monihans, Texas, US
Fort Sumner (NM)5/4---HIGH RESOLUTION IR SOLAR OBSERVATION15 Miles NW of Childress, Texas, US
Alice Springs5/724 hGRIS (Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer)35 miles N of Evremunga, Australia
Laramie (WY)5/8---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Alice Springs5/811 hBICE (Balloon-borne Infrared Carbon Explorer)Mt.H.Witt Station, Australia
ESRANGE5/11---MIKROBA 5 (MIKRO-g with Ballon drop capsule)--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour5/12~ 12 hFAR INFRARED TELESCOPE - CYGNUS III MISSION40 km SE from Bordeaux, France
Aire Sur L'Adour5/24---AMON (Absorption de Minoritaires, Ozone et NOx)--- No Data ---
Alice Springs5/2410 hBICE (Balloon-borne Infrared Carbon Explorer)13 miles NW of Tambo, Queensland, Australia
Sanriku5/283 hOZONE DENSITY OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
Sanriku5/287 hCRYOGENIC SAMPLER--- No Data ---
Sanriku5/283 hOZONE DENSITY OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)5/29---FIRS-2 (far infrared Fourier transform spectrometer) + UV O3 PHOTOMETER18 miles S of Gallup, New Mexico, US
Laramie (WY)5/29---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Sanriku5/302 hSTRATOSPHERIC CLOUD STUDY--- No Data ---
Sanriku6/12 hSTRATOSPHERIC CLOUD STUDY--- No Data ---
Alice Springs6/110 hHEXAGONE (High Energy X-ray And Gamma ray Observatory for Nuclear Emissions)Mantuan Downs, Queensland, Australia
Palestine (TX)6/5F 6 h 39 mMSAM-1 (Medium-Scale Anisotropy Measurement)30 miles N of Brownwood, Texas, US
Laramie (WY)6/24---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)6/24---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNAborted launch
Ny-Alesund7/1---VALVE TEST ON MIR BALLOON--- No Data ---
Ny-Alesund7/330 dVALVE TEST ON MIR BALLOON--- No Data ---
Gap-Tallard7/6---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
Ny-Alesund7/13---VALVE TEST ON MIR BALLOON--- No Data ---
Lynn Lake (MB)7/1623 hIMAX (Isotope Matter-Antimatter Experiment)Grimshaw, Alberta, Canada
Gap-Tallard7/17---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)7/17---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)7/19---LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)7/24F 7 h 5 mUPPER ATMOSPHERE RESEARCH46 miles SSE of Big Springs, Texas, US
Wallops (VA)7/24---THUNDERSTORMS STUDIES21 miles E of Wallops, Virginia, US
Trapani7/3015 hAROMEIn Spain
Palestine (TX)7/31---LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
Wallops (VA)7/31---THUNDERSTORMS STUDIESBalloon failure. Payload landed 58 miles NE of Wallops, Virginia, US
Palestine (TX)8/1F 2 h 53 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION24 miles E of San Angelo, Texas, US
Cornish (UT)8/1---SSV (SUPERPRESSURE Stratospheric Vehicle)--- No Data ---
Lynn Lake (MB)8/2---COSMIC RAY ASTROPHYSICS11 miles N of Pukatawagan, Manitoba, Canada
Palestine (TX)8/4---ANCHORED LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/6---ANCHORED LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
Laramie (WY)8/8---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)8/10---ANCHORED LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/12---ANCHORED LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
Wallops (VA)8/12---THUNDERSTORMS STUDIES12 miles E of Fredericksburg, Virginia, US
Trapani8/1423 h 1 mLAPEX (Large-Area Phoswich balloon Experiment for hard-X-ray astronomy)--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)8/17---ANCHORED LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/17---ANCHORED LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/25F 8 h 28 mBLISS (Balloon-borne Laser In-Situ Sensor)10 miles N of San Angelo, Texas, US
Lynn Lake (MB)8/25---LEE (Low Energy Electrons)28 miles NE of Moak Lake, Manitoba, Canada
Palestine (TX)8/28---ANCHORED LAUNCH TESTNSBF Launch Pad, Palestine, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/29F 6 h 26 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT15 miles SW of Coleman, Texas, US
Sanriku8/29---WATERPROOF GONDOLA TEST--- No Data ---
Sanriku9/2---SUPERSONIC PARACHUTE TEST--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)9/3---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Lynn Lake (MB)9/6---LDBV (Long Duration Balloon Vehicle) - Flight Test # 357 miles NE of Thompson, Manitoba, Canada
Fort Sumner (NM)9/14---MKIV INTERFEROMETER39 miles NE of Holzbrook, Arizona, US
Fort Sumner (NM)9/22---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNAborted launch
Gap-Tallard9/25~ 5 hSIMBA (Solar Irradiance Monitoring from Balloons)In a forest near Orange, Vaucluse, France
Fort Sumner (NM)9/298 hFIRS-2 (far infrared Fourier transform spectrometer) + UV O3 PHOTOMETER14 miles WSW of Canadian, Texas, US
Fort Sumner (NM)9/30~ 10 hSDS (Solar Disk Sextant)13 miles SW of Quanah, Texas, US
Fort Sumner (NM)10/16---SCRIBE (Stratospheric Cryogenic Interferometer Balloon Experiment)50 miles ESE of Plainview, Texas, US
Aire Sur L'Adour10/20---CHEMILUMINESCENCE DETECTOR300 km E from Aire Sur L'Adour, France
Laramie (WY)10/23---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)11/5---CLC PARACHUTE TEST5 miles S of Clarendon, Texas, US
Aire Sur L'Adour11/6---CHEMILUMINESCENCE DETECTOR50 km from Aire Sur L'Adour, France
Aire Sur L'Adour11/6---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
Dunedin11/1095 dELBBO (Extended Life Balloon Borne Observatories Program)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)11/19---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Dunedin11/19124 dELBBO (Extended Life Balloon Borne Observatories Program)--- No Data ---
Dunedin11/215 dELBBO (Extended Life Balloon Borne Observatories Program)--- No Data ---
Lauder11/24---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
TIFR Hyderabad11/247 h 55 mDEVELOPMENT FLIGHT D:5--- No Data ---
Dunedin11/3096 dELBBO (Extended Life Balloon Borne Observatories Program)--- No Data ---
Dunedin12/6102 dELBBO (Extended Life Balloon Borne Observatories Program)--- No Data ---
Volsk12/10---MARS-96 SONDE PARACHUTE TEST--- No Data ---
McMurdo12/13~ 13 dLAMB (Long Duration Antarctic Mars Calibration Balloon)In the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
TIFR Hyderabad12/14~ 12 hXMPC (Xenon filled Multi-anode Proportional Counter telescope)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)12/18---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Syowa12/26---PPB (Polar Patrol Balloon)--- No Data ---
Syowa12/30---PPB (Polar Patrol Balloon)--- No Data ---
McMurdo12/31~ 10 dHIREGS II (HIgh REsolution Gamma-ray and hard x-ray Spectrometer)In the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica

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