From the very beginnings of the space activity in France, the experiments onboard stratospheric balloons were a key element in the research efforts of the country. Initially were performed some isolated balloon launches from Trappes a site near Paris, in the north part of France. These were followed by a first launch campaign coordinated with the Soviet Union from the Kerguelen Islands in the Indian Ocean, near Antarctica carried out in 1962.

The success of the Kerguelen campaign installed in the French scientific community the idea of start a much organized balloon launch program in France mainland, but soon was realized how difficult would be to integrate the balloons in the aeronautic domain. Initial test were performed using the military facilities of the CEAM (Centre d'Expériences Aériennes Militaires) at Mont-De-Marsan air base, in the Aquitanie region in the south of the country, but the longer times of preparation needed for balloon operations (por example to wait a decrease in the wind speed) blocked the air traffic, turning impossible the coexistence of the two activities. Nevertheless, a solution was offered: to transfer the operations to the airfield of a town called Aire-sur-l'Adour located in the department of Landes, in the southwest part of the country, just in the border of the military operational zone. The new place had two main advantages, it was a very stable meteorological area whith very smooth airflows around the 25000 meters and was close to the aeronautical facilities of Potez a key factor to the growing of the Center in the future.

After negotiations with the Air Traffic Control at Bordeaux-Mérignac the decision of the establishment of the Centre de Lancement de Ballons Aire-sur-l'Adour (CLBA) as will be known was taken. Initially, the site was under administration of the Service d'Aéronomie and until the completion of the basic infrastructure, CEAM provided a small building to be used as operational control center to receive the balloon's telemetry and for general management of the program. In those pioneering first steps, even the aircraft used to pursuit the balloons and to search for the landed payloads was rented in a flight-by-flight basis.

Although some test flights were made during 1963, the formal inauguration of the center took place in September 12th, 1964 after the completion of the first Operational Building (today dismantled). On that date a special ceremony was held with the presence of senior officials from the French Government and CNES, who toured the facilities and witnessed the launch of a balloon.

Following the inauguration was created the Balloon Study Section, which later will become the Studies and Evaluations Department of CNES's Balloon Division at Toulouse Space Center in 1969. His fundamental goal was to develope manufacturing techniques and test the superpressure balloons build for the Eole project. This task was carried out with the partnership of Zodiac. Later in 1970, this lead to the formation of a dedicated subsidiary: Zodiac Space which actually build all the balloons used by the French space agency program.

In the 80's decade a major improvement to the balloon base was done, allowing the progressive consolidation of the facility, which became an important motor of the local economy, since the city benefits from the great amount of foreign scientists and technicians who annually visits the base.

Nowadays, it occupies a surface of almost 12 hectares counting with a launch pad of near 300 meters in length, and a permanent work force of 30 people. A well equiped integration building, machine shops, and a flight control center lets to develope extensive launching campaigns with a well established capability to launch balloons ranging from 1000 m3 to 400.000 m3.

The period of activity of the center goes from September to May time at which the winds move towards the east and the payloads are recovered in the southeast side of the country. For this operations the CNES is using a helicopter with the support of Land Rover vehicles. Althought back in the 80's was tested a flight technique called "boomerang" to perform flights over the Ocean, actually, during the summer months, the launches are performed from the alternative base of Gap-Tallard in the east side of the country.

In addition to the local launch activity, the center has one complete infrastructure developed completely in "transportable containers" wich allow to establish a movable launching point in any place of the world. Several campaigns were developed using this equipment, the latest ones from Timón in the northeast of Brazil (Southamerica) and from the military zone of the Nimaey airport in Niger (Africa).

Clearly, the early french interest in ballooning along with the sustained work during near 40 years lead to the actual leadership of the agency in the field, only shadowed in the rest of the world by the NASA's program.

Current situation

Since June 2009 the balloon launch bases of Aire Sur L'Adour and Gap-Tallard are inactive as a result of an increment in the failure and safety requeriments on regard scientific ballooning. The greater population density, and the subsequent increasing of the air and ground traffic forced the aerial authorities to halt all balloon flights in France until a whole new strategy for solving safety issues could be outlined. This include the development of new control systems to make precision landings feasible among other factors.

Many of the improvements in CNES balloon systems had already been tested during recent campaigns performed in Canada. However I have not information about the date on which the restriction will be lifted.

Part of the text and images contained in this article was obtained from the excellent website "Nos Premières années dans l'espace" ("Our first years in space") run by Michel Taillade. The specific section about the french balloon program is located in

Table of balloons launched from Aire Sur L'Adour

DateHourFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
7/10/1962 1 hCOSMIC DUST PROBE--- No Data ---
7/11/1962 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
7/11/1962 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
7/12/1962 ---JUMBO COSMIC DUST PROBE--- No Data ---
7/13/1962 ---BALLOON RECOVERY TEST--- No Data ---
12/21/196217:08 utc4 h 47 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
11/5/1963 ---SPARK CHAMBERIn the Italian Alpes
11/13/1963 ---X-RAY DETECTOR (SPARMO)--- No Data ---
1/27/196418:46 utc8 h 29 mX-RAY DETECTOR (SPARMO)--- No Data ---
1/28/196417:56 utc49 mX-RAY DETECTOR (SPARMO)--- No Data ---
1/29/196416:35 utc11 h 10 mX-RAY DETECTOR (SPARMO)--- No Data ---
1/30/196417:28 utc7 hDETECTOR RAYOS X (SPARMO-UTRECHT)--- No Data ---
2/3/19648:50 utc16 h 5 mX-RAY DETECTOR (SPARMO)--- No Data ---
2/6/19647:15 utc9 h 5 mX-RAY DETECTOR (SPARMO)--- No Data ---
4/22/19648:37 utc5 h 23 mX-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
5/20/19644:38 utc20 h 7 mX-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
6/17/19643:45 utc12 hX-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
10/7/1964 ---COSMIC PARTICLE DETECTOR--- No Data ---
11/7/1964 ---GAMMA RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
11/13/1964 ---GAMMA RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
11/14/1964 ---GAMMA RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
12/8/196422:30 UTC~ 4 hUV TELESCOPE250 km from the launch site
4/13/1965 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
5/11/1965 9 hSPARK CHAMBER--- No Data ---
5/21/1965 ---X-RAY SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
6/??/1965 ~ 5 hUV TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
9/17/1965 6 hSPARK CHAMBER--- No Data ---
9/21/1965 ---UV TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
3/17/1966 F 30 mNEUTRON COUNTER--- No Data ---
3/17/1966 F 6 mNEUTRON COUNTER--- No Data ---
3/18/1966 ---NEUTRON COUNTER--- No Data ---
3/21/1966 F 45 mNEUTRON COUNTER--- No Data ---
3/31/1966 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
4/2/1966 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
4/27/1966 ---SPECTROGRAPHBalloon burst at 10 km. Payload recovered in Eauze, Gers, France
5/2/1966 ---SOLAR OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
9/21/1966 F 30 min.SPECTROGRAPHIn Eaunes, Haute-Garonne, France
9/23/1966 F 4 hX-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
10/??/1966 ---DIFFUSER / SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
10/??/1966  UV TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
10/3/19669:25 utc---SOLAR DISK OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
1/5/1967 4 dTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT10 miles south of Burlington, North Carolina, US
2/17/1967 ---SPECTROGRAPHBalloon burst. Payload recovered in Gaillac, Occitanie, France
3/15/1967 ---SPECTROGRAPHBalloon burst at 6 km. Payload recovered in Sarron, Landes, France
3/16/1967 F 1 hSPECTROGRAPH--- No Data ---
3/22/19679:53 utc---SOLAR DISK OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
4/20/1967 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
6/29/1967 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
8/20/1967 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
9/1/19674:19 utc3 hPAYLOAD UNKNOWNEnvirons de Pau (64) France
9/1/19679:06 utc4 hPAYLOAD UNKNOWNMerignac (33) France
9/7/196720:13 utc2 h 15 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWNBagneres-De-Bigorre (65) France
9/7/19679:20 utc5 hPAYLOAD UNKNOWNMirande (32) France
9/7/196710:38 utc6 hPAYLOAD UNKNOWNArrens (65) France
9/7/19675:59 utc3 hPAYLOAD UNKNOWNGarlin (64) France
9/8/19676:30 localF 6 hX-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
11/7/19679:12 utc---SOLAR DISK OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
11/22/196713:10 utc2 h 30 mALTIMETER TEST--- No Data ---
1/16/1968 ---ASTROLABE - HELIOS III--- No Data ---
4/9/1968 ---PHOTOMETER--- No Data ---
5/4/1968 ---GAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
5/7/1968 73 dPAYLOAD UNKNOWNIn a farm in Scioto County, Ohio, US
5/10/1968 ---UV SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
5/13/196816:25 utc5 h 35 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
5/13/19686:32 utc4 h 45 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWNIn Gerle (65) France
5/14/196816:21 utc15 hIONOSPHERIC STUDIESNear Dax, France
5/14/196814:35 utc14 h 30 mTERPHAN BALLOON TEST--- No Data ---
5/16/19689:44 utc2 h 30 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWNIn Segos (32) France
5/17/19686:18 utc3 h 40 mATMOSPHERIC ANALYSISIn Cahuzac (32) France
9/22/1968 F 1 h 30 mSPECTROGRAPHIn Castelnaudary, Aude, France
10/2/1968 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
10/9/1968 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
10/26/196823:34 utc3 h 4 mSPECTROPHOTOMETER--- No Data ---
4/19/19699:06 utc---UV SPECTROMETERNear Auch, France
4/24/1969 ---SPECTROGRAPHIn Auch, Gers, France
4/30/1969 F 1 hSPECTROGRAPHIn Captieux, Landes, France
9/4/1969 F 3 h 15 mGAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
9/8/1969 F 5 h 30 mGAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
9/15/1969 ---SPECTROGRAPH--- No Data ---
9/22/196918:26 utc---PLASTIC SCINTILLATOR COUNTER--- No Data ---
9/25/19696:25 utc---PLASTIC SCINTILLATOR COUNTER--- No Data ---
10/3/1969 ---UV SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
10/7/1969 ---GAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
10/9/196913:30 utcF 2 hGAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
10/16/1969 ---GAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
10/22/1969 ---GAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
11/12/196911:00 utc2 hVLF WAVES PROPAGATION STUDY--- No Data ---
11/21/1969 F 9 mSPECTROGRAPHIn Montaigu de Quercy, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
9/15/1970 F 5 h 35 mSPARK CHAMBER TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
9/16/1970 F 8 hPLASTIC SCINTILLATOR COUNTER--- No Data ---
9/17/19705:15 utc4 h 30 mVLF WAVES PROPAGATION STUDY--- No Data ---
9/24/1970 F 4 h 10 mSPARK CHAMBER TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
9/25/1970 F 3 h 38 mPLASTIC SCINTILLATOR COUNTER--- No Data ---
10/5/1970 ---SPECTROGRAPH--- No Data ---
10/5/19708:35 utcF 3 h 1 mUV TELESCOPE ON ASTROLABE GONDOLAIn Jouqueviel, Midi-Pyrénées, France
10/8/1970 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
10/8/1970 ---EBERT-FASTIE SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
10/19/1970 ---MOAM I (Manifestations Optiques des Aerosols Meteoriques)--- No Data ---
10/20/1970 ---MOAM I (Manifestations Optiques des Aerosols Meteoriques)--- No Data ---
10/21/1970 ---MOAM I (Manifestations Optiques des Aerosols Meteoriques)--- No Data ---
10/22/1970 ---MOAM I (Manifestations Optiques des Aerosols Meteoriques)--- No Data ---
10/24/1970 ---MOAM I (Manifestations Optiques des Aerosols Meteoriques)--- No Data ---
10/26/1970 ---MOAM I (Manifestations Optiques des Aerosols Meteoriques)--- No Data ---
11/2/1970 ---DOUBLE FAR-INFRARED TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
11/9/1970 ---DOUBLE FAR-INFRARED TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
9/13/1971 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
9/13/1971 ~ 4 hCOMMUNICATIONS EXPERIMENT--- No Data ---
9/16/1971 ---INFRARED POLARIMETER--- No Data ---
9/17/1971 ---COMMUNICATIONS EXPERIMENT--- No Data ---
9/20/1971 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
9/24/1971 F 4 h 25 mSPARK CHAMBER TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
10/2/1971 F 5 h 50 mSPARK CHAMBER TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
10/22/1971 ---EBERT-FASTIE SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
4/??/1972 ---NA (I) DETECTOR--- No Data ---
5/17/1972 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNPossible balloon failure. Landing in Arblade-le-Bas, France
5/24/1972 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
6/21/1972 ---X-RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
9/23/1972 ---EBERT-FASTIE SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
10/8/1972 ---MOAM II (Manifestations Optiques des Aerosols Meteoriques)--- No Data ---
10/12/1972 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
10/14/1972 ---PHOTOMETER--- No Data ---
5/14/1973 ---GRID SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
5/16/1973 ---EBERT-FASTIE SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/10/1973 1 h 40 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWNIn Auch, France
10/4/19737:17 local---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNBalloon burst at 42.000 ft. Landing in a telephonic line located between Barcelonne and Montvendre, France
10/5/19732:18 local---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNIn St Privat des Vieux, France
10/6/19731:09 local---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN6 km from Bédarieux, France
10/12/1973 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
11/??/1973 3 h 45 mGE-LI DETECTOR--- No Data ---
5/13/1974 ---GRID SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/12/19749:00 local---FAR INFRARED MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER--- No Data ---
9/20/19749:00 local---FAR INFRARED MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER--- No Data ---
9/27/19746:45 utc7 h 15 mGAMMA RAY BURST DETECTOR--- No Data ---
10/12/1974 ---ANEMOMETERS--- No Data ---
11/15/1974 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
12/4/1974 ---ANEMOMETERS--- No Data ---
12/4/1974 ---OPALE - GAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
4/13/1975 ---OZONOMETER--- No Data ---
4/30/1975 ---CONDENSATION NUCLEI COUNTER--- No Data ---
5/14/1975 ~ 8 hX-RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
6/5/1975 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNThe balloon continued flight and landed on June 18 in Spokane, Washington, US
7/8/1975 4 hOPALE - GAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
7/9/1975 4 hGAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
9/19/1975 5 h 30 mLAMELLAR GRATING INTERFEROMETER--- No Data ---
10/2/1975 ---GRID SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
12/17/1975 ---OZONOMETER--- No Data ---
4/23/19767:03 utc3 hMETEOROLOGICAL SENSORS--- No Data ---
5/3/1976 37 kmSPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/1/1976 ---OZONOMETER--- No Data ---
9/20/1976 5 h 30 mLAMELLAR GRATING INTERFEROMETER--- No Data ---
9/23/1976 ---AGLAE--- No Data ---
5/14/1977 ---SCAP 2000--- No Data ---
9/12/1977 ---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE)--- No Data ---
9/23/1977 3 h 25 mLAMELLAR GRATING INTERFEROMETER--- No Data ---
9/26/1977 ---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE)--- No Data ---
9/27/1977 ---SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/30/197718:27 utc---QUADRUPOLE MASS SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
10/14/1977 1 hMIR (Montgolfier Infra-Rouge)Balloon failure
10/14/1977 ---AGLAE--- No Data ---
10/27/1977 ---UV HYGROMETER--- No Data ---
12/19/1977 66 hMIR (Montgolfier Infra-Rouge)In turkey
4/27/1978 ---MOTAS (Mouvements Organisés et Turbulence Atmosphérique)--- No Data ---
5/2/1978 ---SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/15/1978 ---OZONOMETER--- No Data ---
10/30/1978 ---SCAP 2000--- No Data ---
5/7/1979 ---LIMB CAMERAS--- No Data ---
9/17/1979 ---OZONOMETER--- No Data ---
9/19/1979~ 5:45 utc~ 12 hGRATING SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/26/1979 ---SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
10/10/1979 ---LIMB CAMERAS--- No Data ---
11/9/1979 ---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE)--- No Data ---
4/30/1980 ---PACIMS (Passive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
5/7/1980 ---LIMB CAMERAS--- No Data ---
9/11/1980 ---SPECTROPHOTOMETER--- No Data ---
9/15/1980 ---SCAP 2000--- No Data ---
9/15/1980 ---GRILLE SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/17/1980 ---PACIMS (Passive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
9/18/1980 ---MASS SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/25/1980 ---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (KFA)--- No Data ---
9/26/1980 ---PACIMS (Passive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
10/15/198013:45 utc---HELISONDE--- No Data ---
10/15/1980 ---LIMB CAMERAS--- No Data ---
10/21/1980 ---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (KFA)--- No Data ---
10/22/1980 ---MIR (Montgolfier Infra-Rouge)--- No Data ---
9/14/1981 ---MASS SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/18/1981 ---SPECTROPHOTOMETER--- No Data ---
9/21/1981 ---PACIMS (Passive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
9/24/1981 ---SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
10/8/1981 ---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (KFA)--- No Data ---
10/17/1981 ---PACIMS (Passive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
5/3/1982 ---LIMB CAMERAS--- No Data ---
9/20/1982 ---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE)--- No Data ---
9/23/1982 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
10/1/1982 F 3 h 30 mRASOLBAIn Condom-en-Armagnac, Gers, France
10/3/1982 ---PACIMS (Passive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
10/17/19829:13 local---PACIMS (Passive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
10/21/19827:51 utc6 h 52 mCRYOGENIC WHOLE-AIR SAMPLER (KFA)--- No Data ---
3/19/1983 ---PACIMS (Passive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
4/30/1983~ 8:30 utc6 hFAR INFRARED TELESCOPENear Tauves, Auvernia region, France
5/13/1983 ---SPECTROPHOTOMETER--- No Data ---
5/17/1983 ---ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/10/19839:14 utc9 hCRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE)SW of Aurillac, Auvergne region, France
9/10/19834:15 utc9 h 30 mCRYOGENIC WHOLE-AIR SAMPLER (KFA)Near Aurillac, Auvergne region, France
9/13/198322:21 utc---UV SPECTROMETER + MAST-BREWER SONDE--- No Data ---
9/14/19835:34 utc---MULTI INSTRUMENTAL GONDOLA--- No Data ---
9/18/198313:11 utc---ION SPECTROMETER + AEROSOL PHOTOGRAPHY--- No Data ---
9/20/19838:28 utc---CHEMILUMINESCENT SONDE--- No Data ---
9/23/19830:28 utc---INFRARED SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/24/19837:31 utc---MULTI INSTRUMENTAL GONDOLA--- No Data ---
9/28/19835:49 utc9 hMICROWAVE RADIOMETER--- No Data ---
10/5/198313:30 utc---PACIMS (Passive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
12/15/19835:00 utc3 hRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)150 km NE from Aire Sur L'Adour, France
4/13/19846:19 utc6 h 51 mCRYOGENIC WHOLE-AIR SAMPLER (KFA)--- No Data ---
5/4/198417:14 utc---TEMPERATURE AND WIND MEASUREMENTS--- No Data ---
5/13/1984 ---RADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
5/13/1984 ---LIMB CAMERAS--- No Data ---
5/24/1984 ---MOTAS (Mouvements Organisés et Turbulence Atmosphérique)--- No Data ---
9/27/19846:43 utc5 h 47 mCRYOGENIC WHOLE-AIR SAMPLER (KFA)--- No Data ---
10/1/1984 ---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE)--- No Data ---
10/11/19848:00 utc---TIME OF FLIGHT TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
11/10/1984 ---LIMB CAMERAS--- No Data ---
11/10/1984 ---RADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
11/28/1984 ---RADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
3/31/19857:28 utc5 h 52 mCRYOGENIC WHOLE-AIR SAMPLER (KFA)--- No Data ---
4/20/1985 ---OCCULTATION SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
4/22/1985 ---LIMB CAMERAS--- No Data ---
4/22/1985 ---RADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
7/5/19852:00 local8 hPIRAT (Polarisation Infra-Rouge du Rayonnement Atmosphérique)--- No Data ---
9/19/198512:04 utc~ 9 hCHEMILUMINESCENT SONDE + OZONE SONDE--- No Data ---
9/28/1985 F 4 hSIMBA (Solar Irradiance Monitoring from Balloons)In a vinery near Carcassone, France
10/4/19852:40 utc~ 11 hCHEMILUMINESCENT SONDE + OZONE SONDE + UV PHOTOMETER--- No Data ---
10/12/1985 ---RADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
10/17/1985 F 30 mRASOLBABalloon failure. Landing near Blagnac, France
10/21/19858:47 utc7 h 43 mCRYOGENIC WHOLE-AIR SAMPLER (KFA)--- No Data ---
10/21/1985 ---PACIMS (Passive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
4/21/1986 ---RADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
5/4/198622:36 utcF 3 h 30 mINFRARED SPECTROMETER--- No Data ---
9/14/19868:34 local time3 h 30 mTELIDAT (TELédétection Informatisée à Détecteur A Transfert de charges)--- No Data ---
9/19/1986~09:00F + 5 hRASOLBANorth of Perigueaux, Aquitaine, France
10/??/1986 ---FOCA 1000 (FOcal Corrector Anastigmat 1000)--- No Data ---
10/12/1986 ---PHOTOMETER--- No Data ---
11/16/1986 ---AIR SAMPLING STUDY FOR KRYPTON-85--- No Data ---
12/6/1986 ---ACIMS (Active Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer)--- No Data ---
5/??/1987 ---FOCA 1500 (FOcal Corrector Anastigmat 1500)--- No Data ---
10/1/1987 ---AIR SAMPLING STUDY FOR KRYPTON-85--- No Data ---
10/17/1987 ---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
10/23/1987 ---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
10/28/1987 ---AIR SAMPLING STUDY FOR KRYPTON-85--- No Data ---
4/20/198820:50 UTC6 h 53 mFOCA 1000 (FOcal Corrector Anastigmat 1000)--- No Data ---
5/4/198800:22 UTC6 h 17 mOZONOMETER--- No Data ---
6/2/19885:59 utc4 h 33 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
6/7/198818:47 UTC13 h 10 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
6/9/19885:42 UTC16 h 11 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
9/20/198819:15 utc5 hARGO IR TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
9/27/19887:07 UTC3 h 22 mPROJECT S38--- No Data ---
9/29/19881:01 UTC6 h 16 mOZONOMETER--- No Data ---
10/13/1988 ~ 1 hFAR INFRARED TELESCOPEBalloon burst at 25 km
10/14/19887:00 UTC6 h 12 mSIMBA (Solar Irradiance Monitoring from Balloons)In Orange, Vaucluse, France
11/7/19887:06 UTC4 h 37 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
11/18/19888:01 UTC2 h 39 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
11/25/19888:15 UTC2 h 7 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
11/30/19887:01 UTC2 h 38 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
5/??/1989 ---FOCA 1500 (FOcal Corrector Anastigmat 1500)--- No Data ---
5/8/198920:41 UTC~ 8 hFAR INFRARED TELESCOPE - CYGNUS I MISSION--- No Data ---
5/17/1989 3 hMIPAS-B1 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
10/12/198917:43 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
2/19/1990 ---RASCIBA (Radar - SCIdar - Ballon)--- No Data ---
2/20/1990 ---RASCIBA (Radar - SCIdar - Ballon)--- No Data ---
2/22/1990 ---RASCIBA (Radar - SCIdar - Ballon)--- No Data ---
3/1/1990 ---RASCIBA (Radar - SCIdar - Ballon)--- No Data ---
4/26/1990 ---LONG DURATION BALLOON TEST--- No Data ---
5/4/1990 6 hMIPAS-B1 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
9/6/1990 3 h 30 mFALKE--- No Data ---
9/26/199019:00 utc~ 12 hFAR INFRARED TELESCOPE - CYGNUS II MISSIONNear Alès, Languedoc, France
10/6/199022:20 utc---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
11/10/1990 ---FISH (Fast In situ Stratospheric Hygrometer)--- No Data ---
5/21/1991 ---SIDAMS (Simultaneous Ion Detection in Atmospheric Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
9/19/1991V---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
5/12/199219:33 utc~ 12 hFAR INFRARED TELESCOPE - CYGNUS III MISSION40 km SE from Bordeaux, France
5/24/19921:00 utc---AMON (Absorption de Minoritaires, Ozone et NOx)--- No Data ---
10/20/199211:03 utc---CHEMILUMINESCENCE DETECTOR300 km E from Aire Sur L'Adour, France
11/6/19929:14 utc---CHEMILUMINESCENCE DETECTOR50 km from Aire Sur L'Adour, France
11/6/1992V---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
2/28/1993V---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
3/7/1993V---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
3/7/1993 ---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
5/1/199315:43 local6 hRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)W of Caussade (Tarn et Garonne), France
5/5/1993V---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
9/20/199317:45 utc7 h 45 mFAR INFRARED TELESCOPE - MIL I MISSION20 km from Carcassone, France
9/20/1993 ---MULTIINSTRUMENTED GONDOLA--- No Data ---
9/30/1993 ---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER (MPAE)--- No Data ---
10/6/1993V---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
10/13/1993 ---BALLAD (BALloon Limb Aerosol Detection)--- No Data ---
10/16/199300:30 utc---AMON (Absorption de Minoritaires, Ozone et NOx)--- No Data ---
3/17/199408:132 hOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
3/23/199416:342 h 20 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
3/23/199420:422 h 20 mSTAHOZ--- No Data ---
3/24/199420:143 h 3 mAMON (Absorption de Minoritaires, Ozone et NOx)--- No Data ---
3/30/199407:061 h 24 mPREDYN--- No Data ---
4/21/199407:583 h 8 mBTS Electronique--- No Data ---
5/2/199420:42 UTC7 h 54 mMACSIMS (Measurement of Atmospheric Constituents by Selective Ion Mass Spectrometry)Near Rodez, region of Occitania, France
5/2/19948:33 utc8 h 15 mPIROG 7 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)--- No Data ---
5/6/199408:021 h 50 m''UN BALLON POUR L'ECOLE'' PROJECT--- No Data ---
5/10/199419:366 h 8 mFOCA 1500 (FOcal Corrector Anastigmat 1500)--- No Data ---
9/13/199407:524 h 25 mTM 1,5 Ghz + SRA / GPS--- No Data ---
9/25/199416:249 h 13 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
10/7/199409:306 h 44 mBONBON + S:S--- No Data ---
10/11/199419:145 h 48 mBAMAS (Ballongetragenes Massenspektrometer) + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
10/12/199410:154 h 45 mMULTI-INSTRUMENTED GONDOLA OZONOXY--- No Data ---
10/13/199414:45 utc2 h 25 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon) + BALLAD (BALloon Limb Aerosol Detection)--- No Data ---
10/28/199414:283 h 34 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere)--- No Data ---
4/13/199507:383 h 37 mBALLON BUS 95In Pau, 80 kms from the launch site.
9/18/19959:003 h 5 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
10/2/199516:102 hSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
10/5/199513:41 utc3 h 19 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon) + BALLAD (BALloon Limb Aerosol Detection) + BOCCAD (Balloon OCCultation Aerosol Detection)--- No Data ---
10/6/199514:554 h 30 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere)--- No Data ---
10/6/199508:212 h 35 mPREDYN--- No Data ---
10/12/199514:54 utc3 h 2 mBALLAD (BALloon Limb Aerosol Detection) + BOCCAD (Balloon OCCultation Aerosol Detection)--- No Data ---
10/12/199515:452 h 15 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
10/12/199504:023 h 19 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
10/18/199510:011 h 27 mPREDYN--- No Data ---
10/23/199516:315 h 11 mBAMAS (Ballongetragenes Massenspektrometer)--- No Data ---
4/1/199616:5737 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
4/18/199617:10---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
4/19/199607:141 h 46 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
4/24/199617:292 h 12 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
4/26/199607:143 h 16 mMESRAB--- No Data ---
5/10/199615:095 h 43 mRADIREFP--- No Data ---
5/20/199620:244 hFAR INFRARED TELESCOPE - MIL II MISSION--- No Data ---
9/26/199609:384 h 27 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
10/3/199613:515 h 24 mSPICAM--- No Data ---
10/4/199615:552 h 41 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO--- No Data ---
10/4/199609:072 h 50 mBULLE D'ORAGE SOLAR BALLOON--- No Data ---
10/10/199615:522 h 28 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
10/10/199621:083 h 7 mTHERMIQUE--- No Data ---
5/12/199709:004 h 15 mMEFISTO--- No Data ---
6/23/19970:486 h 42 mTRIPLE (BONBON)--- No Data ---
9/11/199708:093 h 2 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
9/24/199706:403 h 2 mMIR BALLOON TEST--- No Data ---
9/25/19973:39 utc11 h 25 mPIROG 8 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)--- No Data ---
9/27/199717:363 h 13 mFAR INFRARED TELESCOPE - MIL III MISSION--- No Data ---
9/30/199719:224 h 5 mAEROSOL ANALISIS--- No Data ---
10/7/199709:573 h 42 mMEFISTO--- No Data ---
10/8/199715:532 h 51 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + DESCARTESIn Tarn-et-Garonne
10/28/199708:253 h 14 mETNA (Equipement de Télécommunication Numérique pour Aérostat)--- No Data ---
10/31/199707:442 h 40 mTechnological flight 10 meters diameter super pressure balloon--- No Data ---
11/7/199708:072 h 21 mINMARSAT SYSTEM TEST--- No Data ---
11/26/19979:222 h 40 mSUPER PRESSURE BALLOON TESTIn Viella, Gers, France
1/28/199815:332 h 3 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
2/9/199815:552 h 32 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + H2O + O3--- No Data ---
5/6/199817:172 h 11 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
5/8/199823:30 utc6 h 14 mMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
5/13/199819:41 utc3 h 30 mHAGAR (High Altitude Gas Analizer)60 kms NW of Aire Sur L'Adour, France
10/3/199815:145 hOZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
10/7/199815:382 h 10 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + CH4--- No Data ---
10/14/199815:12---µRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
10/15/199815:482 h 3 mµRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
10/16/199816:39 UTC---MACSIMS (Measurement of Atmospheric Constituents by Selective Ion Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
10/22/199809:11 utc3 h 39 mSIMBA (Solar Irradiance Monitoring from Balloons)--- No Data ---
10/23/199815:15 local3 h 32 mSDLA-LAMA (Spectromètre à Diode Laser Accordable - Laser pour l'Analyse du Méthane Atmosphérique)In a field near Lodève (Hérault).
10/31/199800:062 h 19 mSALOMON (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox)--- No Data ---
11/9/199808:481 h 36 mTM ALLEGEE--- No Data ---
12/2/199814:403 h 6 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
4/15/199917:003 hSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + CH4 + O3--- No Data ---
4/19/199914:254 h 15 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
4/21/199917:153 hSAOZ + DIRAC + O3--- No Data ---
4/28/199901:303 h 22 mSALOMON (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox)--- No Data ---
4/29/199923:34 utc8 h 50 mMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne) + SFINX--- No Data ---
5/3/199903:354 h 23 mTRIPLE + HALOMAX--- No Data ---
5/5/199917:433 h 2 mELHYSA + DIRAC--- No Data ---
5/10/199917:534 h 9 mSDLA-LAMA (Spectromètre à Diode Laser Accordable - Laser pour l'Analyse du Méthane Atmosphérique)--- No Data ---
10/6/19997:395 h 50 mCASOLBA (CAlibration de cellules SOLaires sur vol BAllon)--- No Data ---
10/11/199909:197 h 8 mOZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
10/12/199908:436 h 10 mTM ALLEGEE--- No Data ---
10/21/199912:333 h 44 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + TM ALLEGEE--- No Data ---
9/25/200015:071 h 54 mTECHNO1 (ASPI) technological flight--- No Data ---
9/27/200013:503 h 41 mTECHNO2 technological flight--- No Data ---
10/4/200011:436 h 52 mOZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
10/9/200015:563 h 10 mµRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
5/4/200108:123 h 10 mPOLAR STRATOSPHERIC CLOUDS ANALYSIS--- No Data ---
5/11/200112:495 h 33 mOZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
10/2/200109:152 h 48 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
10/4/20016:4514 h 15 mCASOLBA (CAlibration de cellules SOLaires sur vol BAllon)--- No Data ---
10/9/200114:124 h 34 mTRIPLE--- No Data ---
10/16/200106:123 h 50 mSDLA-LAMA (Spectromètre à Diode Laser Accordable - Laser pour l'Analyse du Méthane Atmosphérique)--- No Data ---
10/22/200116:344 h 13 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
10/23/200113:453 h 40 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
10/24/200116:493 h 57 mTURBULENCE--- No Data ---
4/15/20028:545 h 22 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
4/22/200215:494 h 24 mORIENTABLE GONDOLANear the town of Foix
4/25/20027:406 h 16 mOZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
5/14/200217:453 h 13 mSAOZ + SAOZ H2O + DIRAC + µLIDAR--- No Data ---
5/15/20029:37 utc33 mµSDLA (Micro Spectrometric Diode Laser)--- No Data ---
5/24/20028:54 utc4 h 3 mµSDLA (Micro Spectrometric Diode Laser)--- No Data ---
9/16/2002 ---µSDLA--- No Data ---
9/19/2002 ---SALOMON (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox)In Romania
9/24/200218:43 utc---MIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
9/24/20027:00---TRIPLE + CHILD--- No Data ---
10/1/2002V---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO + µLIDAR + NILU CUBE--- No Data ---
10/2/2002 ---SPIRALE (Spectroscopie Infra-Rouge par Absorption de Laser Embarqué)--- No Data ---
10/4/2002A---SAOZ + SAOZ H2O + DIRAC--- No Data ---
9/18/20039:12 local5 hCASOLBA (CAlibration de cellules SOLaires sur vol BAllon)Near Gimont, Midi-Pyrénées, France
9/25/2003 4 hrSDLA-LAMA (Spectromètre à Diode Laser Accordable - Laser pour l'Analyse du Méthane Atmosphérique)--- No Data ---
10/9/2003 ---LPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS--- No Data ---
6/9/2004 ---SALOMON (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox)--- No Data ---
6/9/2004 ---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
5/7/2005 ---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ Bro--- No Data ---
9/22/200510:00 local---OPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
10/7/2005 ---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ Bro--- No Data ---
6/7/2007 ---SALOMON-N2 (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et NOx - Nacelle 2)--- No Data ---
6/8/2007 4 hPico-SDLA (Spectromètre à Diode Laser Accordable)--- No Data ---
11/14/2008 ---NEW ENVELOPE RIP SYSTEM TESTBurst Test - No Flight
7/2/20164:50 cest11 h 25 mNIMBUS TECHNO TEST--- No Data ---

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