In the table below you will find the records of stratospheric balloons launched from different countries during 1988, which are currently available in StratoCat's database. Each row displays essential information such as the launch base, date and time of launch, and, if known, the mission duration and landing site of the payload. Clicking on the experiment name will offer details about the scientific institutions involved, a summary of the experiment's purpose and results, and other relevant information on the balloon flight, including references and images. Clicking on the arrows at the top and the bottom of the table you can move to other year's tables.

Launch baseDateFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
Campinas (SP)1/4---TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
Alice Springs1/5---GAMMA RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)1/7---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
McMurdo1/83 dGRAD (Gamma Ray Advanced Detector)320 km east of Russian Vostok Station, Antarctica
Vanscoy (SK)1/15---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
Vanscoy (SK)1/22---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)1/28---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/284 h 23 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)In Finland
ESRANGE1/294 h 35 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/13 h 5 mACIMS (Active Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry) + CRYOGENIC SAMPLER--- No Data ---
Cachoeira Paulista (SP)2/36 hX-RAY AND GAMMA TELESCOPESPayload lost.
Alice Springs2/86 dJACEE 8 (Japanese-American Collaborative Emulsion Experiment)3 miles NW of Pratinha, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Vanscoy (SK)2/9---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/106 h 53 mCRYOGENIC SAMPLER (KFA)--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)2/11---SF-372 MATERIAL TEST7 miles NW of Texico, Texas, US
Alice Springs2/169 dGAMMA RAY EXPERIMENTMogi Mirim, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Laramie (WY)3/2---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
TIFR Hyderabad3/7---INFRARED ASTRONOMYBalloon failed
TIFR Hyderabad3/142 h 20 mIONIZATION MEASUREMENTS + ELECTRO-DYNAMICS EXPERIENCE + IMAP (Indian Middle Atmosphere Program)--- No Data ---
Alice Springs4/5---SN87A - II100 miles SSW of Mongrel Downs, Northern Territory, Australia
Alice Springs4/8F 31 hHARD X-RAY TELESCOPE11 miles WNW of Murray Downs, Australia
TIFR Hyderabad4/116 h 30 mIONIZATION MEASUREMENTS + ELECTRO-DYNAMICS EXPERIENCE + IMAP (Indian Middle Atmosphere Program)--- No Data ---
Alice Springs4/1132 h 40 mGRIP (Gamma-Ray Imaging Payload)16 miles W of Ti Tree, Northern Territory, Australia
ESRANGE4/12---MIKROBA 2 (MIKRO-g with Ballon drop capsule)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)4/13---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Alice Springs4/1510 hCOMPTON GAMMA RAY TELESCOPE30 miles N of Erldunda, Northern Territory, Australia
Alice Springs4/18---INFRARED EXPERIMENT61 miles SW of Haasts Bluff, Northern Territory, Australia
Palestine (TX)4/19---SDS (Solar Disk Sextant)10 miles SE of Vicksburg, Mississippi, US
Aire Sur L'Adour4/206 h 53 mFOCA 1000 (FOcal Corrector Anastigmat 1000)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)4/27---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Alice Springs4/3024 hGRIS (Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer)174 miles NW of Longbeach, New South Wales, Australia
Aire Sur L'Adour5/46 h 17 mOZONOMETER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)5/5---HIGH RESOLUTION IR SOLAR OBSERVATION8 miles N of DeQuincy, Louisiana, US
Palestine (TX)5/5---BLISS (Balloon-borne Laser In-Situ Sensor)10 miles SW of Yazoo City, Mississippi, US
Alice Springs5/6---GAMMA RAY EXPERIMENTAborted flight
Palestine (TX)5/11~ 14 hDGT (Directional Gamma-Ray Telescope)2 miles N of Burton, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)5/1216.6 hFIRS-2 (Far infrared Fourier transform spectrometer)8 miles W of San Augustine, Texas, US
Alice Springs5/16---GAMMA RAY EXPERIMENT98 miles SE of Longbeach, New South Wales, Australia
Alice Springs5/17---EXITE-1 (Energetic X-Ray Imaging Telescope Experiment)121 miles WNW of Longbeach, New South Wales, Australia
Campinas (SP)5/20---COSMIC RAY DETECTOR--- No Data ---
Sanriku5/21---CRYOGENIC SAMPLER--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)5/24---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)5/257 hBIRT (Balloon-borne InfraRed Telescope)18 miles W of Huntsville Texas, US
Sanriku5/2821 h 40 mEMULSION CHAMBERIn the Sea of Japan, off Sakai, Japan
Aire Sur L'Adour6/24 h 33 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)6/49 hBIRT (Balloon-borne InfraRed Telescope)17 miles NW of Lampasas, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)6/6---BALLOON-BORNE LIDAR18 miles ESE of Midland, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)6/6---HIGH RESOLUTION INTERFEROMETER4 miles NE of Cranfills Gap, Texas, US
Sanriku6/613 hANTIPROTON OBSERVATION--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour6/713 h 10 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour6/916 h 11 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)6/9---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Gap-Tallard6/169 h 16 mCASOLBA (CAlibration de cellules SOLaires sur vol BAllon)--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)6/18---TEST OF NEW BALLOON15 miles SW of Gatesville, Texas, US
Birigui (SP)6/188 hSUPERNOVA 1987 A OBSERVATION - IIn Sao Domingos da Prata - Minas Gerais
Laramie (WY)7/1---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)7/6---HARVARD LYMAN-ALPHA HYGROMETER6 miles e of San Saba, Texas, US
Wallops (VA)7/9---ELECTRODYNAMICS--- No Data ---
Wallops (VA)7/12---ELECTRODYNAMICS21 miles SSW of Charlottesville, Virginia, US
Laramie (WY)7/27---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Wallops (VA)7/27---ELECTRODYNAMICSBalloon burst at 15.000 ft. Payload landed 21 miles NE of Wallops, Virginia, US
Palestine (TX)7/31---TEST OF NEW BALLOON30 miles SW of Brownwood, Texas, US
Trapani8/1~ 2 hTIMR (Thermal Infrared Multichannel Radiometer)In the sea, near Sicily, Italy
Palestine (TX)8/4---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATIONBalloon failure at 41.000 ft. Payload recovered 2 miles NW of palestine, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/5---TEST OF NEW BALLOON15 miles SW of Brownwood, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/7---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATION8 miles S of Roscoe, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/15---TEST OF NEW BALLOON12 miles SW of Brownwood, Texas, US
Kagoshima8/1615 h 20 mX-RAY ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONSIn Jangsu, China
Kagoshima8/2013 h 18 mGALACTIC IR OBSERVATIONSIn China
Kagoshima8/25---STELLAR IR OBSERVATIONSCommand Fail
Palestine (TX)8/25---CRYOGENIC AIR COLLECTOR16 miles SW of San Angelo, Texas, US
Prince Albert (SK)8/26---HEIST (High Energy Isotope Spectrometer Telescope)25 miles E of Trochu, Alberta, Canada
Prince Albert (SK)8/28---SOFIE (Scintillating Optical Fiber Isotope Experiment)3 miles ESE of Malta, Montana, US
Birigui (SP)9/??---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
ESRANGE9/1---PIROG 3 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)9/1---ACME (Advanced Cosmic Microwave Explorer)26 miles SSE of Midland, Texas, US
Prince Albert (SK)9/48 hEXAM (EXtragalactic AntiMatter)8 miles NW of Mistatim, Saskatchewan, Canada
Palestine (TX)9/7F 10 h 8 mBALLOON-BORNE LIDAR12 miles NE of Ft.Stockton, Texas, US
Laramie (WY)9/8---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)9/13F 23 h 20 mBLISS (Balloon-Borne Laser In Situ Sensor)6 miles ENE of Maryneal, Texas, US
White Sands (NM)9/15---ABLE III (Atmospheric Balloon Lidar Experiment)Over White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, US, USA
Aire Sur L'Adour9/205 hARGO IR TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
Kagoshima9/21---HIMES (Highly Maneuverable Experimental Space Vehicle)Failure of the balloon. Aborted mission. Payload recovered 80 km E of Uchinoura, Japan
Aire Sur L'Adour9/273 h 22 mPROJECT S38--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour9/296 h 16 mOZONOMETER--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)9/30---ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES20 miles NW of Carrizozo, New Mexico, US
Fort Sumner (NM)10/8---EXITE-1 (Energetic X-Ray Imaging Telescope Experiment)24 miles SSW of Wichita Falls, Texas, US
Aire Sur L'Adour10/13~ 1 hFAR INFRARED TELESCOPEBalloon burst at 25 km
Vanscoy (SK)10/14---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour10/146 h 12 mSIMBA (Solar Irradiance Monitoring from Balloons)In Orange, Vaucluse, France
Fort Sumner (NM)10/17---MIT RADIOMETER27 miles S of Amarillo, Texas, US
Fort Sumner (NM)10/26---SDS (Solar Disk Sextant)19 miles NW of McAllister, US
MV Independence10/26---KESTREL--- No Data ---
Alice Springs10/2844 hGRIS (Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer)61 miles NW of Warrabri, Northern Territory, Australia
Vanscoy (SK)10/29---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
Charleville10/2919 h 31 mAROME--- No Data ---
Holloman AFB (NM)11/2---PATHFINDER PROGRAM--- No Data ---
Alice Springs11/2---GAMMA RAY EXPERIMENT34 miles WNW of Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia
Holloman AFB (NM)11/3---PATHFINDER PROGRAM--- No Data ---
TIFR Hyderabad11/5---IMAP (Indian Middle Atmosphere Program) - IMAP-C:09Balloon failed
Aire Sur L'Adour11/74 h 37 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
Paardefontein11/1344 dELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)In southamerica
TIFR Hyderabad11/177 h100 CM TIFR BALLOON-BORNE TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
Alice Springs11/17---COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENT3 miles N of Stirling, Australia
Aire Sur L'Adour11/182 h 39 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
Paardefontein11/1928 dMAGNETIC SENSORLast known position above Australia
Paardefontein11/2019 dELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)In Paraguay
Poços de Caldas (MG)11/2412 h 19 mSUPERNOVA 1987 A OBSERVATIONIn Araraquara - Sao Paulo.
Charleville11/2523 h 45 mFIGARO II (French Italian Gamma Ray Observatory)--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour11/252 h 7 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
Poços de Caldas (MG)11/2813 h 10 mSUPERNOVA 1987 A OBSERVATIONIn Japiraí - Sao Paulo.
Holloman AFB (NM)11/29---PATHFINDER PROGRAM--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)11/29---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Holloman AFB (NM)11/30---PATHFINDER PROGRAM--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour11/302 h 38 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
Paardefontein12/225 dSAMBA--- No Data ---
Paardefontein12/324 dPAYLOAD UNKNOWNOver Ocean N of Australia
Poços de Caldas (MG)12/3---SUPERNOVA 1987 A OBSERVATION - II / COSMIC RAYSPayload lost.
Paardefontein12/850 dPAYLOAD UNKNOWNLost contact over the Atlantic Ocean.
Poços de Caldas (MG)12/8---SUPERNOVA 1987 A OBSERVATIONBalloon failure at launch
Laramie (WY)12/17---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
TIFR Hyderabad12/1810 hTICAL MARK II X-RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---

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