In the table below you will find the records of stratospheric balloons launched from different countries and places during 2024, which are currently available in StratoCat's database. Each row shows basic data about the launch base from which departed, date and time of the launch, and if available the duration of the mission and the site of termination or landing place of the payload.

Regarding the kind of payload or experiment transported in each balloon mission, if you click the experiment name a text will be displayed showing the name of the scientific institutions involved in that mission, a brief resume of the purpose of the experiment carried onboard as well the scientific results obtained, and other information of relevance from that particular mission. Finaly at the bottom of the window there are links to external references. In some cases, these references are available throught scientific websites or journals for free. In other cases however, the information was published on journals only accesible throught direct suscription or using the access provided by Universities or research centers.

Launch baseDateFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
McMurdo1/1046 hAESOP-Lite + ANIHALAIn the Antarctic Plateau, 77 km NE of Dome Argus
Hurley (SD)1/207 hTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 672Near Seymour, Iowa, US
Santa Fe County (NM)1/253 h 20 mTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 674SE of San Ramon, New Mexico, US
Santa Fe County (NM)1/27~ 44 dTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 673Last known position 200 miles SE of Hawaii
Hurley (SD)2/2129 hTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 675Near Waverly, Illinois, US
Spaceport Tucson (AZ)2/234 h 20 mMANTIS-1Near the ghost town of Dos Cabezas, Arizona, US
Silver Springs (NV)2/276 dTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 678In Potter County, South Dakota, US
Silver Springs (NV)2/276 dTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT N251THNear Doland, South Dakota, US
Spaceport Tucson (AZ)3/92 d 7 hSTRATOLLITE50 km SSW of Dalhart, Texas, US
Santa Fe County (NM)3/2928 hTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 680Near Bloomfield, Iowa, US
Hurley (SD)4/48 hTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 682Near Marathon, Iowa, US
Hurley (SD)4/5~ 3 dTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 681Last known position 350 miles NE of Bermuda Islands
Hurley (SD)4/1228 hTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 679E of Atlanta, Illinois, US
Hurley (SD)5/146 hTHUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 68520 km W of Crystal, North Dakota, US