inflated balloon that will carry Nick Piantanida in its attempt to overcome the free fall world record

This very active balloon launch site was located in an old airport belonging to the University of Minnesota, near the town of New Brighton, about 15 miles north of Minneapolis area.

As the university had a fundamental role in the development of the first polyethylene balloons, soon it would become a virtual operations base from which would be launched those devices. These operations were carried out by staff of the mechanical division of General Mills a company with various activities in the military field during WWII. As the company was responsible for everything pertaining to the manufacture, launch and operation of stratospheric balloons, in some publications of the early 50's the New Brighton airport was referred as the "General Mills Flight Center".

During that decade it would become one of the most active centres of launching throughout the U.S.. Many of the activities carried out there were in the framework of a program under the secret codename of "Project Gopher" whose aim was to develop a balloon capable of carrying a big payload for a certain amount of days. The initiative was then considered secret because it was part of a much more comprehensive program aimed to perform strategic reconnaisance over the Soviet Union using spy balloons. Those tests took place between 1950 and 1954.

In parallel with these classified missions, several flights were made also with scientific goals or for technological purposes and test of new materials or types of balloons. Among the most important program we can to mention a complex project of sampling of the upper atmosphere looking for radioactive materials coming from nuclear tests (nicknamed projects "Ash Can" and "Grab Bag") and the development of a system carrying a four stage vector known as "Farside".

Preparatives for launch a NASA balloon

In mid-60's, the General Mills balloon operations division was acquired by Litton Industries Inc., a company linked to the defense sector, which continued with ballooning activities in New Brighton, but making much less flights. At that time a great porcentage of the missions were made for the benefit of various NASA projects. Among them were programs for validation of solar cells and other dealing with atmospheric sampling of particles of extraterrestrial origin at high altitudes. These missions would be the end point of activities with balloons there. As a bottom line we will say that during the nearly 20 years of activity are recorded from New Brighton more than 3000 flights, which should be added nearly a thousand launches of medium and small size balloons made by the staff of the University of Minnesota as part of its own agenda of cosmic radiation research.

The subsequent destination site after the cessation of balloon flights, is somewhat uncertain. However, through the Web site of Paul Freeman (Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields) we know that the airport was abandoned after a tornado went through there and destroyed the few remaining buildings.

After that, the former airport remained as open field for many years until, little by little, the area was being urbanizing.

Nowadays there is no trace of the old airport remaining.

Table of balloons launched from New Brighton

DateHourFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
2/25/1948 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
10/18/1949 ---COSMIC RAY RESEARCHPayload recovered in Medford, Winsconsin. The balloon continued flying three more days and landed in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania.
9/24/1950 ~ 8 hNUCLEAR EMULSIONS--- No Data ---
4/14/1952 ---PROJECT GOPHER - K17 CAMERAGondola damaged at launch. No data obtained
4/30/1952 ---PROJECT GOPHER - K17 CAMERACamera failure. No data obtained
5/21/19527:38 local---J250 CODE SONDE TELEMETRY BEACONTelemetry failure after launch. Not recovered
6/4/1952 5 hPROJECT GOPHER - K17 CAMERA--- No Data ---
6/12/1952 ---PROJECT GOPHER - K17 CAMERA--- No Data ---
6/25/195211:00 local2 h 17 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTBalloon broke on jet Stream at 47.6 kft. Payload recovered badly 3 miles E of Cumberland, Winsconsin, US
6/30/195215:15 local10 minTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTBalloon leaker. Descended 2 km N of the Airport, New Brighton, Minnesota, US
7/3/1952 ---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTBalloon destroyed by surface wind. Not launched
7/8/195213:33 local21 h 30 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTKennebec, South Dakota, US
7/10/1952 4 dPROJECT GOPHER - K17 CAMERALost in the Atlantic Ocean. Balloon found by a tanker ship
7/15/195210:45 local---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT2 miles E of Hugo, Minnesota, US
7/15/1952 ---PROJECT GOPHER - K17 CAMERA--- No Data ---
7/21/195214:49 local---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTBalloon burst at 34.000 ft. Payload recovered 9 miles SE of Clear Lake, Minnesota, US
7/23/195215:37 local34 hTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTIn Wessington Springs, South Dakota, US
7/26/1952 ---PROJECT GOPHER - K17 CAMERA--- No Data ---
7/29/195213:12 local---TECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTPayload never recovered. Balloon found in Merignac, France
8/5/19529:19 local6 h 10 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTPayload landed in Stratford, Wisconsin and the balloon was found that night near Walford Station, Ontario, Canada
8/6/19529:22 local3 h 6 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT + COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTThe equipment was recovered near Pepin, Wisconsin, and the balloon near Wheeling, Illinois, US
8/12/19529:17 local14 hTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTNear Maiden Rock, Winsconsin, US
8/19/19527:51 local19 h 20 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTThe equipment was recovered 6 miles NE of La Valle, and the balloon 4 miles NE of Reedsburg, Winsconsin, US
8/21/19526:27 local12 hTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTThe equipment was recovered 2 miles ESE of Chanhassen, Minnesota, US
8/28/195218:14 local20 h 30 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTPayload recovered in Princeton, Minnesota, US
9/3/19529:29 local1 h 25 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTBalloon burst at 76.000 ft. Payload recovered near Pepin, Wisconsin, US
9/3/19526:40 cst1 h 25 mCOSMIC RAY STUDIESNear Lake City, Minnesota, US
9/15/19529:19 local1 h 28 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT + EMULSION PACKBalloon burst at 92.886 ft. Payload recovered 5 miles E of Plum City, Winsconsin, US
9/16/19526:44 local9 h 15 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN8 miles ESW from Lacrosse, Winsconsin, US
9/17/19529:58 local8 h 45 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT + COSMIC RAY PLATESIn Harrisville, Winsconsin, US
9/22/195210:47 local1 h 32 mTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHTBalloon burst at 80.892 ft. Payload recovered in Pine Island, Minnesota, US
10/20/1952 6 h 17 mPROPORTIONAL COUNTER + CAMERA + EMULSION PLATES7 Miles N of Hulbert, Michigan, US
7/2/1953 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
7/8/1953 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
7/16/19536:53 cst~ 5 hOZONE SENSOR4 miles N of Benson, Minnesota, US
8/5/19537:59 cst---OZONE SENSOR2 miles N New Brighton airport, Minnesota, US
8/7/19536:48 utc3 h 25 mOZONE SENSOR5 miles NE of Miesville, Minnesota, US
8/13/19536:38 cst1 h 30 mOZONE SENSORBalloon burst at 51.000 ft. Payload in Downing, Wisconsin, US
8/14/1953 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/17/19536:41 cst5 hOZONE SENSOR3 miles E of Flying Cloud airport, Minnesota, US
8/20/19537:38 cst4 h 20 mOZONE SENSOR2 miles SE of Monticello, Minnesota, US
9/24/1953 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/9/1953 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/5/1953 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/12/1953 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/17/1953 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/23/1953 7 hPAYLOAD UNKNOWNPeoria, Illinois, US
12/23/1953 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/15/1954 2 h 5 mCERENKOV COUNTER8 Miles SE of Catawba, Wisconsin, US
1/28/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/28/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/28/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/6/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/16/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/22/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/2/19541:56 CST3 h 30 mTEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS IN FLIGHT--- No Data ---
5/6/19543:53 cst2 hHIGH ALTITUDE AIR SAMPLINGBalloon failure. Impact 5 miles N of Wabasha, Minnesota, US
5/18/19544:50 cst10 hSUPER SKYHOOK I - COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENTNear Waseca, Minnesota, US
5/25/19545:33 cst4 hNEW BALLOON TEST FLIGHT3 miles E of Humbird, Winsconsin, US
5/25/19546:57 cst9 h 43 mOZONE SENSOR12 miles SO de St.Cloud, Minnesota, US
5/25/19545:05 cst~ 10 hOZONE SENSOR9 miles from Olivia, Minnesota, US
6/4/19546:48 cst25 h 25 mPAYLOAD UNKNOWN5 miles SW of Wobridge, South Dakota, US
6/22/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/30/19544:30 cst32 hPAYLOAD UNKNOWNSignal lost. Not recovered
7/8/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/6/195413:00 utc29 hIONIZATION CHAMBER15 miles E-NE of Newell, South Dakota, US
9/10/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/22/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/15/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/19/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/20/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/27/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/2/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/4/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/8/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/22/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/22/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/30/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/4/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/6/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/10/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/19/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/27/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/27/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/29/1954 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/6/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/6/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/10/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/23/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/24/195510:30 utc17 hEMULSION PLATES--- No Data ---
1/29/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/30/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/8/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/8/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/14/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/1/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/2/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/9/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/16/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/16/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/28/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/2/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/7/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/25/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/25/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
5/6/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
5/11/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
5/18/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
5/20/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/14/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/15/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/23/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
7/7/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
7/18/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
7/20/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/8/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/10/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/11/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/1/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/7/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/23/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/24/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/28/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/10/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/13/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/18/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/21/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/26/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/28/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/30/1955 ---PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERA--- No Data ---
11/30/1955 16 hRADIO CONTROLLED BALLASTING TESTHershey, Pennsylvania, US
11/30/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/30/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/5/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/6/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/9/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/9/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/12/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/21/1955 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/4/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/12/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/13/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/19/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/30/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/7/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/18/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/27/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/28/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/29/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/8/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/16/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/26/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/30/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/9/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/10/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/30/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
5/7/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
5/16/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
5/21/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
5/27/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/2/19566:21 cst24 h 40 mCOSMIC RAY EXPERIMENT18 miles S of Rapid City, South Dakota, US
6/5/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/8/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/11/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/19/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/21/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/21/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/24/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
7/2/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
7/6/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
7/7/1956 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
7/12/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
7/16/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/1/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/5/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/10/1956 ---STRATOLAB LOW I (Lewis - Ross)Near Stevens Point, Winsconsin, US
8/13/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/30/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/12/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/14/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/18/1956 8 hEMULSION PLATES--- No Data ---
9/18/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/23/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
9/24/1956 6 h 15 mSTRATOLAB LOW II (Froelich - Lang)Near Cresco, Iowa, US
10/2/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/12/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/16/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/6/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/9/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/17/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/19/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/23/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/27/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/8/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/13/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/19/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
12/20/1956 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/10/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/16/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
1/29/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/6/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/13/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
2/19/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
2/27/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
3/9/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/13/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
3/17/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/19/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
3/21/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
3/27/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
3/30/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/8/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
4/10/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/14/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/15/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
4/17/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
4/25/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
4/26/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
4/29/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
5/5/1957V22 hHIGH DIVEIn Saratoga, Iowa, 15 miles W of Cresco.
5/11/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
5/16/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
5/27/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
5/27/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
5/28/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
5/29/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
6/19/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
6/20/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/27/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
6/28/19578:03 cdt5 h 20 mFAR SIDE PROJECT6 miles SE of Maple Lake, Minnesota. All the operation was inmediate because the project at this time was classified and was necesary to avoid the public atention.
6/30/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
7/9/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
7/11/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
7/11/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
7/15/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
7/19/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
7/23/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
7/29/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
7/30/19576:30 local11 h 25 mEMULSION STACK--- No Data ---
8/2/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
8/5/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
8/10/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
8/16/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/20/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
8/22/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/22/19576:20 cdt~ 6 hSTRATOSCOPE INear the town of Cosmos, Minnesota 80 miles from the launch site.
8/24/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
8/25/195713:47 utcF 3 h 30 mGEIGER COUNTER + BF3 (?)--- No Data ---
9/4/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
9/6/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
9/11/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
9/23/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
9/25/19577:15 cst~ 7 hSTRATOSCOPE INear Athens, Winsconsin, 150 miles from launch site.
9/25/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/2/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/2/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
10/26/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
10/29/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/5/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/7/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/25/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
11/26/1957 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
11/30/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
12/4/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
12/12/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
12/19/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
12/21/1957 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
1/8/1958 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
1/10/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
1/12/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
1/22/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
1/31/1958 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
2/5/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
2/7/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
2/13/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
2/20/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
3/6/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
3/12/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
3/19/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
3/20/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
3/25/1958 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
3/26/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
4/7/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
4/8/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
4/9/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
4/16/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
4/18/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
4/23/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
4/25/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
5/6/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
5/8/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
5/9/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
5/12/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
5/15/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
5/16/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
5/28/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
6/6/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
6/7/1958 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/11/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
6/12/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
6/17/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
6/20/1958 ---GRAB BAG SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
6/27/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
6/27/1958 ---GRAB BAG / ASHCAN SAMPLING SYSTEMS--- No Data ---
7/17/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
7/20/1958 ---COSMIC RAY EMULSION PLATESNear Hardin, Montana, US
8/28/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
9/7/1958 20 hGAMMA RAY TELESCOPE3 miles S of St.Charles, Minnesota, US
10/16/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
12/12/1958 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
1/9/1959 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
2/6/1959 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
2/19/1959 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
3/11/1959 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
3/19/1959 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
6/5/1959 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
6/19/1959 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
7/23/1959 ---ASHCAN FLIGHT TEST--- No Data ---
9/10/1960 ---CORONASCOPE I10 miles E of Mosinee, Wisconsin, US
10/3/1960 ---CORONASCOPE I--- No Data ---
2/22/1961 ---DUMMY PAYLOAD--- No Data ---
5/2/1961 8 hSCINTILLATION COUNTER--- No Data ---
8/??/1961 ---ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR--- No Data ---
9/??/1961 ---ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR--- No Data ---
10/??/1961 ---ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR--- No Data ---
10/??/1961 ---ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR--- No Data ---
3/21/1962 2 hSOLAR CELL CALIBRATIONPremature termination at 50.000 ft
4/2/1962 ---ASHCAN--- No Data ---
4/16/1962 ---ASHCAN--- No Data ---
6/13/19629:19 cdt6 h 40 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION80 miles S of launch site
6/14/1962 ---ASHCAN--- No Data ---
8/1/19625:48 cst3 hMICROBIOLOGICAL COLLECTIONFountain City, Winsconsin, US
8/2/1962 3 h 30 mAIR SAMPLING--- No Data ---
8/8/1962 4 hALBEDO MEASUREMENTS--- No Data ---
8/17/1962 5 hAIR SAMPLING--- No Data ---
9/5/19626:43 CST1 h 30 mSCATTERLOON PROJECT4 miles S of Ellsworth, Winsconsin, US
9/17/1962 ---ASHCAN--- No Data ---
10/??/1962 ---ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR--- No Data ---
10/17/19629:17 cst5 hWATER VAPOUR MEASUREMENTS185 miles E of Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
10/19/19627:39 cst~6 hMICROBIOLOGICAL COLLECTIONLily, Winsconsin, US
5/7/1963 7 hAIR SAMPLING--- No Data ---
5/11/1963 ~6 hMICROBIOLOGICAL COLLECTION--- No Data ---
6/7/19634:30 cst---ASHCANNear Clearwater, Minnesota, US
7/31/1963 ---MICROBIOLOGICAL COLLECTION--- No Data ---
8/6/1963  SOLAR CELL CALIBRATION--- No Data ---
9/5/19638:22 cst7 h 14 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION--- No Data ---
10/23/1963 3 hPAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
11/18/196313:12 utc5 hMICROBIOLOGICAL COLLECTIONNear Wasau, Winsconsin, US
9/11/1964 ---POCIBO 9 (Polar Circling Balloon Observatory # 9)--- No Data ---
10/14/1964 ---MICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLER - MARK IIBalloon burst at 40.000 feet. Payload impact in Bloomington, Minnesota, US
11/14/1964 ---MICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLER - MARK IIBalloon burst at 35.000 feet. Payload impact in Somerset, Wisconsin, US
4/26/1965 ---ASHCAN--- No Data ---
4/30/1965 ---ASHCAN--- No Data ---
5/6/1965 ---ASHCAN--- No Data ---
6/7/1965 ---MICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLER - MARK IIIn Scandia, Minnesota, US
7/22/1965 ---MICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLER - MARK IIIn Shieldsville, Minnesota, US
7/28/19658:58 cdt8 h 12 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION15 Miles SW of Mason City, Iowa, US
8/4/1965 ---MICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLER - MARK IIIn Hayfield, Minnesota, US
8/9/19658:44 cdt8 h 40 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION1 Mile W of Lemond, Minnesota, US
8/13/19657:56 cdt9 h 50 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION2 miles of Belle Plain, Winsconsin, US
8/19/1965 ---MICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLER - MARK IIIn Bear Valley, Wisconsin, US
8/28/19658:51 cdt6 hSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION5 miles W of Lyndon Station, Winsconsin, US
10/1/1965 ---MICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLER - MARK IIIn Babcock, Wisconsin, US
10/22/1965A~ 1 h 30 mSTRATOJUMP I (Piantanida)In the backyard of a school in downtown St. paul, Minnesota, US
7/29/19668:58 cdt---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATION2 miles SW of Geneva, Minnesota, US
8/4/19668:29 cdt---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATION3 miles S of Kenyon, Minnesota, US
8/12/19668:53 cdt---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATION3 miles S of St.Francis, Minnesota, US
8/24/19666:30 cst---EXTRATERRESTRIAL DUST SAMPLING--- No Data ---
8/26/19668:25 cdt---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATION8 miles N of Amery, Winsconsin, US
10/24/19668:32 cdt7 h 58 mMICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLER - MARK IIINear Merrilan, Wisconsin, US
11/19/19668:16 cst4 h 45 mMICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLER - MARK III5 miles E of Boscobel, Wisconsin, US
5/12/19677:21 cdt6 h 40 mMICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLER - MARK III5 miles W of Tomahawk, Wisconsin, US
7/14/19678:35 CDT8 h 45 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION3 miles SW of Adrian, Minnesota, US
7/19/1967 F 6 h 50 mEXTRATERRESTRIAL DUST SAMPLINGN of Buffalo, Wyoming, US
7/25/19678:37 CDT8 h 45 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION4 miles E of St.Paul airport, Minnesota, US
8/4/19678:04 CDT11 h 15 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION9 Miles S of Woonsocket, South Dakota, US
8/10/19678:46 CDT8 h 20 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION10 miles NW of Austin, Minnesota, US
6/13/19686:30 cdtF 6 h 50 mEXTRATERRESTRIAL DUST SAMPLINGW of fairchild, Winsconsin, US
7/19/19689:12 cdt8 h 10 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION5 miles E of Ellsworth, Minnesota, US
7/29/19688:36 cdt10 h 45 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION2 miles SE of Jackson, Winsconsin, US
8/20/19688:41 cdt8 h 45 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION + RADIOMETER TEST3 miles SW of Boyd, Winsconsin, US
8/8/19698:29 cdt---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATION + RADIOMETER TEST12 miles NW of Pierre, South Dakota, US
8/26/19698:15 cdt---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATION5 miles E of Nashua, Minnesota, US
9/8/19698:30 cdt---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATIONDurand municipal airport, Winsconsin, US
6/3/1970 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNBalloon failure
6/3/1970 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNPayload failure
6/25/1970 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNPayload failure
6/25/1970 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNPayload failure
7/16/19708:10 cdt---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATIONBalloon failure at launch. Aborted flight
7/28/19708:14 cdt---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATION6 miles N of Claremont, South Dakota, US
8/5/19708:28 cdt---SOLAR CELL CALIBRATION4 miles N of Doland, South Dakota, US
8/10/1970 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNPayload failure
8/20/1970 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNOperations failure
8/24/1970 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
10/16/1970 ---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---

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