Alice Springs, Australia.- The third and last mission of the Austral 2017 balloon launch campaign was succesfully conducted on April 16, 2017 from the facilities of the Australian Balloon Launch Station, in Alice Springs, in Central Australia.
The balloon carried onboard a telescope denominated PILOT (Polarized Instrument for Long wavelength Observation of the Tenuous interstellar medium). The instrument was born thanks to a collaboration between the CNES (Centre National d ’Etudes Spatiales) and IRAP-CNRS (Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetology)...
Alice Springs, Australia.- A few hours before local sunrise, on April 9, was carried out the second flight of the Austral 2017 campaign. The balloon was launched by a team of the balloon group of the French Space Agency, CNES, from the Australian Balloon Launch Station, located in Alice Springs airport, in Northern Territory.
As occured with the first flight, the objectives were multiple: to perform solar cell calibrations in flight, to expose several experiments provided by Canadian universities and even to transport some pieces of art to the stratosphere. Unlike occured with the CLIMATE flight las week, the mission was performed during the day...
Alice Springs, Australia.- The first mission of the Austral2017 campaign was performed from the facilities of the Australian Balloon Launch Station, located in the Seven Mile sector of the Alice Springs airport, in Central Australia. The balloon was launched by a team of the french space agency CNES on the night of April 4.
The balloon used was a Zodiac model 150Z measuring 150.000 m3 and the objective of the flight was to transport a multipayload gondola called CLIMATE, acronym for Combined Laser and In situ Measurements in the ATmospherE....