The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) was a satellite launched in 1991 by the Space Shuttle Discovery. It was 35 feet long, 15 feet in diameter, weighed 13,000 pounds, and carried 10 instruments. UARS orbited at an altitude of 375 miles with an orbital inclination of 57 degrees. Designed to operate for three years, six of its ten instruments functioned for over 14 years. UARS measured ozone and chemical compounds found in the ozone layer which affect ozone chemistry and processes. UARS also measured winds and temperatures in the stratosphere as well as the energy input from the Sun. Together, these help define the role of the upper atmosphere in climate and climate variability.
The UARS validation camapign better known as UARS Correlative Measurements Program was an initiative aimed to perform flights of stratospheric balloons coordinated in time and space with UARS overflights. As the balloons carried instruments similar to those installed onboard the satellite, the simultaneous measurements obtained by the balloons (in-situ) and the satellite (remote) over the same zone, serves to validate the data obtained from the orbit.
The worldwide effort included launches from Ft. Sumner (New Mexico), Dagget (California), Palestine (Texas) in the United States and Kiruna in Northern Sweden between 1992 and 1994.
Launch base | Date | Flight Duration | Experiment | Payload landing place or cause of the failure |
Dagget (CA) | 4/9/1991 | --- | UV O3 PHOTOMETER | 40 Miles WSW of Socorro, New Mexico, US |
Fort Sumner (NM) | 10/1/1991 | --- | UV O3 PHOTOMETER | 37 miles SE of Liberal, Kansas, US |
Dagget (CA) | 2/20/1992 | --- | UV O3 PHOTOMETER | 20 Miles N of Woodward, Oklahoma, US |
Fort Sumner (NM) | 5/29/1992 | --- | FIRS-2 (far infrared Fourier transform spectrometer) + UV O3 PHOTOMETER | 18 miles S of Gallup, New Mexico, US |
Fort Sumner (NM) | 9/29/1992 | 8 h | FIRS-2 (far infrared Fourier transform spectrometer) + UV O3 PHOTOMETER | 14 miles WSW of Canadian, Texas, US |
Dagget (CA) | 4/3/1993 | 10 h | MKIV INTERFEROMETER + UV O3 PHOTOMETER + SLS + FILOS | 25 Miles SE of Artesia, New Mexico, US |
Fort Sumner (NM) | 5/31/1993 | --- | IBEX (Infrared Balloon-Borne Experiment) | 20 miles W of Belen, New Mexico, US |
Fort Sumner (NM) | 9/25/1993 | --- | MKIV INTERFEROMETER + UV O3 PHOTOMETER | 23 miles SE of Abilene, Texas, US |
Fort Sumner (NM) | 5/22/1994 | 22 h | MKIV INTERFEROMETER + FIRS-2 (far infrared Fourier transform spectrometer) + UV O3 PHOTOMETER | 8 miles SW of Datil, New Mexico, US |
Fort Sumner (NM) | 10/9/1994 | --- | UV O3 PHOTOMETER | 20 miles SE of Childress, Texas, US |